Chapter 11 cheater rumors

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Danielle's pov
I would never cheat on him but since I was holding another guys hand people are assuming that I see why they would and plus I wasn't even with him on New Year's Eve so I see why but I would never do that if holding a guys hand means I cheated on Louis then I feel guilt and I feel like a horriable person. I would never want to put him through that pain because I know what he's been through and I've been with him through all of it what will joy think of me? My phone rang and it was Louis I picked it up and he said "well is it true?" I said "is what true?" He said "don't play stupid are you cheating on me?!?"I said "I don't think I'm but your fans think I'm because I was holding another guys hand." He sighed and said "Who was the guy?" I said "greg." He said "is he your friend?" I said "yes but they think I'm cheating on you because I was with him on New Year's Eve and not you and we were holding hands." He sighed and said "you were at another party that night." I said "I know you said I could go and you trusted me that I wouldn't do anything stupid and I didn't." He sighed and said "are you 100 percent sure about that?" I said "yes why would I want to hurt you if I love you? Do you not believe me?"He said "I don't know things happen at parties I should know and I don't know if I do."I said "trust me nothing happened." He said "I trust you but I swear if you are cheating on me you messed with the wrong fandom and we are done for good." I said "I'm not I promise I love you." He said "love you too."

Then hung up I sighed and thought maybe I did cheat on him for being with Greg that night and not him. I felt so guilty right now I couldn't tell anyone this especially Louis or his sisters. I got something to eat from my fridge then I just watched tv and thought about what I've done.

After that it was dinner time I ate left overs and then headed up to my room and took a long shower to thinking about what I've just done how could I do this to Louis and his family now all the fans are going to hate me and so will Louis I can't live this life this way even know I don't think I cheated on him but I might have I don't know. Then I started crying I got up and brushed my teeth put my hair in a messy bun got my pjs on and just lied in my bed I couldn't believe I did this what was I thinking I don't know what I was thinking and I regret it I'm just confusing my self now I need to sleep in this and see if I really did cheat on him even when I think I didn't. I fell right to sleep after thinking for a long time.

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