Chapter 7 stiches

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Joy's pov
Daddy,mommy,Freddie and I were all heading out to get lunch with my uncles. We got to the place we were eating at, daddy was carrying me we walked in and found my uncles daddy put me down and I ran over to uncle Liam he caught me and picked me up and kissed my cheek and said "I missed you cutie." I giggled and said "I missed you too uncle Liam."

I sat in between him and uncle Harry they were talking while I colored and daddy ordered me my food and drink. When our food arrived I saw a bunch of people outside it was making me nervous my uncles and daddy saw too and sighed.

After we were done  uncle liam paid for us he said it was on him. We then headed to the door and I wanted to walk daddy wasn't sure but I begged him and he gave in I held his hand tightly and we started walking out and we were walking and a fan tried to grab me I screamed and let go of daddy's hand and then ran to catch up with daddy I didn't see there was a rock and I tripped over it and slid across the side walk mommy saw and picked me up I was crying and she looked at my knee and said "oh baby you'll be okay." She walked over to daddy with me and he ran over to us and said "what happened baby girl?" I said "I was running and I tripped over a rock and fell." He looked at my knee and it was deep.

Mommy put me in my car seat and got a towel for my knee then daddy drove us to a place I don't know where we were going I was in a lot of pain. We got to the place and they put me on a bed we went into a room daddy and mommy came in with me I sat on daddy's lap I was still crying the person looked at my knee and then said "okay sweetie we are just going to fix your knee okay?" I nodded and cried into daddy's chest he hugged me and I didn't look while they did something to my knee I cried harder as they did it.

The person said "you okay now sweetie but you can't walk on it your mommy or daddy have to carry you okay?" I nodded and then we walked out I saw my uncles and made grabby hands for uncle Harry I was still crying he said "awe you'll be okay shh." And rubbed my back it hurt a lot. Uncle Harry put me in my car seat and I was so tired that I fell asleep.

When I woke up I was in my room and daddy was next to me I said "daddy." He woke up and said "hey babygirl." I whimpered my knee still hurt a lot daddy picked me up and said "shh i know it's hurts let's go watch tv." Daddy walked downstairs and put me on the couch and I watched tv as mommy made dinner.When mommy called us in for dinner daddy carried me into the kitchen and put me in my chair I ate.

After I was done daddy picked my up and took me to my room daddy helped me get my pjs on and then brought me back downstairs and my uncles were there he handed me to uncle Niall I sat on his lap and I watched tv I fell asleep.

I woke up and I was in my room uncle Niall must of put me in my bed I then fell asleep again.

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