Chapter 4

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(Your POV)

I woke up in jacks arms on the couch, it took me a minute to get my eyes adjusted to the light but when they finally did I noticed Ben sitting on the floor playing a video game. I looked up at Jack and he looked down at me. "Look who's finally awake" he said with a smile. Ben turned around and smiled before averting his attention back to the tv. I smiled and Jack's grip around my body tightened. I squeezed him and smiled. 'what got into him? What's happening? A few hours ago I was horrified of him and now I wake up in his arms? Should I ask if he's alright?'. All these thoughts cluttered my mind and I was so busy thinking I didnt even notice Jack saying my name. "y/n, are u alright?" He asked. I snapped out of thought. "yea I'm fine" I lied. I really wasn't fine I was scared that he was just gonna kill me, I don't want to get attached. "let's go for a walk" he said standing me up and pulling me up with him. We walked out the door and into the woods. No words were said until he sad down under an oak tree and I sat next to him. "Jack?". "yes y/n? " " why me" there was a moment of awkward silence and I could tell he was thinking of how to say what he wanted to say. "I've watched you for a long time. All the times you came out here and sketched. All the times you cried. All the times you scraped ur knees climbing these trees. I've seen it all" he explained "I heard you when you sat here and talked to your friends on the phone..." he paused. I started to blush. "y/n?" "yes Jack?" "why haven't you tried to run away yet?". Why haven't I tried to run away? "I don't know" I said. "Let's go back to the mansion" he said with a smile grabing my hand". "Jack?" I asked once more "*sigh* you ask alot of questions. What do you want now" He teased and smiled from under his mask. "Can I have my backpack back?" "ugh I guess. But you have to show me some more drawings sometime" I laughed and we walked through the doors.

**Timeskip 3 hours later**

ack said he talked to slendy and Im allowed to stay in the mansion. I have to stay in Jack's room but neither of us had any objections. We spent the last few hours together and he's really cool. They let me keep my phone but I was only allowed to have contact with my best friend, f/n. I trusted her and I knew she would never tell anyone where I am... I'm not allowed to have contact with my family and I had to block then on everything so we couldn't get in touch. I didn't really mind much. Jack snuck me into my house to get clothes and things I need. We were careful not to wake my little sister. Once we got back he put all my clothes in the closet and I plugged my phone in next to the bed. We decided to go to sleep for the night not minding the sharing the bed thing.

*Another timeskip lol
Time: 3:04am*

I was running through the woods. What am I running from? Who am I running from? Will it catch me? Suddenly something hit the back of my head and I fell to the ground I rolled over to look at my attacker and I seen a bloody rock laying next to me. I look up and it's.... My father... Standing over me laughing.. He had a beer bottle in his hand and from the ground I could smell that crap. He was drunk, like always. He grabbed me up by my throat and began punching me in the face until I spat out blood. He laughed louder and threw me to the ground kicking me in the face and abdomen. "You sick freak!" He yelled at me slurring his words a bit. "Those kids from school were right you deserve to kill yourself you weird freak". I sat up in tears, a sleeping Jack peacefully sleeping next to me. I cried even more thinking about what I had just dreamed of. I ran to my backpack with all my sketching supplies and pulled out a razor blade taped to the inside of my sketch book. I ran to the bathroom that was across the room and locked the door. I sat down in front of it and looked down. I looked at all my scars and cried harder. I drug the blade across my wrist. One, two, three, four, five... I cried harder and louder. I quickly covered my mouth so I wouldn't wake up Jack. Too late. "Y/n? Are you in there? Is everything okay I heard you crying" he said in a soft sleepy voice. "Go away Jack I don't want you seeing me like this" I screamed between tears. "Unlock the door, please y/n I'm worried". I wiped my tears and rolled down the sleeves of my shirt and covered my hands so he wouldn't see the blade. I dreadfully unlocked the door and he rushed in looking at me and the makeup I forgot to take off smeared all over my face. There was a long silence.. He noticed stains on the sleeve of my shirt and asked what it was. "it's an old shirt" I lied, my voice shaking. "why is there blood on the floor behind you?!" he asked almost screaming. "UGH FINE JACK YOU WANNA KNOW?!" I yelled at him and dropped the blade. I rolled up my sleeves and fell to the floor in tears once again. After a while he leaned against the wall and slid down it next to me. "y/n, why? Why would you do this to yourself" I tried to avoid looking at him so I averted my attention to the floor. Because I'm a fucking worthless loser like everyone says I am I thought. "Well, about a year ago I lost my mom.. And I blamed myself for it.. The last thing I remember saying to her was that I hated her. I've been cutting for a year and my father doesn't help at all. School is just worse. Judgement and pressure." I trailed off my sentence. He rested his head on my shoulder and I put mine on top of his. "Your never judged here ya know.. This is a safe place and I know that's weird 'cuz we're talking about a house full of murderers here" He gave a little giggle. I smiled. "I care about you ya know.. I don't necessarily know why but I do. Please try to stop doing this. I'm always here for you. Let's go back to sleep" He stood up and grabbed my hand to help me up. "what about the blood on your floor?" I asked with a worried look. "I'll take care of it tomorrow. Here throw this on.". He tossed me a black tank top and I put it on. (He turned around of course). And with that we crawled back into bed. He pulled me to him and he wrapped his arms around me. My head was in his chest. We drifted off to sleep...

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