Chapter 5

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I woke up the next morning to water running in the bathroom. Jack wasn't in the bed so I figured he was taking a shower. I grabbed my sketch book and began sketching my best friend, God I miss her. "There f/n, all finished... I miss you..." I said fighting back tears. My best friend was my rock, she was my everything. After half an hour Jack walked out of the bathroom. "Goodmorning beautiful" He said smiling at me. "Morning" I replied. After he got dressed he sat next to me. "Watcha got there?" He asked pointing to my sketch book. I grabbed my phone and pulled up a picture of my best friend and put it next to my sketch. "wow, your good" he replied. "thanks chu"  I replied with a  smile as I started brushing my h/c hair. " Wanna go see if everyone's up? " he asked. " sure but I'm not changing"  "that's fine". He laughed and opened the bedroom door. "After you ma'am". I walked past and flipped my hair as I entered the hallway.  "I'll beat ya down there" I yelled and rushed over to the stairs.  "Haha sure" he said brushing past me.  "1..2.. GO!" he yelled as we took off. I turned at the bottom and flipped over the arm of the couch and layed down. He came in second place and looked at me.  "Your fast" he said sitting on the arm of the couch. I laughed and lifted my legs so he could sit and then I put them back into his lap and watched Ben and Jeff play some video game. Toby walked in after twenty minutes nappy headed and yawning. "Hey y/n." "Hola amigo" I replied sitting up so he could have a seat. Then I layed back down with my head in his lap, he looked down at me and smiled. The boys on the couch looked at eachother, then looked at me  and back to eachother. I didn't think much of it until they both started tickling me. I laughed uncontrollably and tried to cover my mouth so they couldn't hear it. Jack grabbed my hand away so they could hear my ugly laugh. (I thought it was ugly) "S-Stop  g-guys"  I said between laughs they smiled and took a break. "you guys are jerks" I said smiling as I sat up all the way and moved my feet to the floor. "you got a cute laugh" Jack said putting an arm around me and pulled me to him. I put my head on his chest... For some reason I felt at home when I was in his arms. I can't explain it but I'm comfortable, I feel accepted and like someone would literally miss me if I died... I've never felt this way before.  "let's go for another walk" he suggested. And before I could speak we were out the door. Once we couldn't see the mansion he grabbed my hand. I started to. Blush but we continued walking. "I'M CLIMBING THIS TREE MKAY?MKAY." I screamed running again and jumping up to a tree branch. Suddenly Jack's hands were on my hips and he lifted me up and I climbed the tree to a comfortable branch "thanks friend". He started climbing the tree and next thing I knew he was in the tree with me sitting on the branch across from me. I think he's gonna push me out of this tree omg what if he pushes me out I'll probably snap my neck or mess up my spine oh God he's gonna push me why did I climb up here I'm so gonna die "hey.... Uhm can I talk to you about something?" he interrupted my thoughts... I looked at him questioningly. He leaned in and before I knew it his soft lips were planted on mine on to mine in a soft yet passionate kiss. It seemed to be lasting forever and I honestly wanted it to. But all good things come to an end. "y/n... I really really like you". "I like you too Jack". We talked for a while until it ended in "will you go out with me" from Jack and another kiss to say yes. We walked back to the mansion hand in hand. We walked through the doorway and sat on the couch not letting go of each other's hands until he put his arm around me and we were holding on to eachother. This is my life now....  Ben looked over right as we kissed and he covered his eyes and made a childish screaming sound, we just laughed and brushed it off. "very funny jerkwad" I stuck my tongue.. "fight me" he mumbled and I grabbed
his shoulders, pinned him down and leaned to the side of his face. I licked the side of his face and got up sitting back in my place next to Jack. Ben wiped his check and Jeff laughed hysterically. "Guys let me play" I said as I sat between the boys. Ben handed me a controller and added another person without speaking or taking his eyes off the screen. It was some first person shooter game I never bothered to ask what its called. Ten minutes later Ben screams "HOW DID YOU DO THAT" as u sniper shoot a zombie through its brain and it hits another in the heart killing both if them. Jack laughed and I looked at Ben and laughed. I took my person out and crawled back onto the couch burying my head in his chest and falling asleep shortly after.

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