Chapter 20

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Jack POV

"Jack take me home I wanna go home please take me home" she said quickly while pacing around the room. As she passed me I grabbed her by her arms and held her to me tightly as she thrashed around until giving up. I layed her down on the bed and move the hair out of her face. "babygirl, this is home now. Don't u remember? You can't go back princess. I'm gonna protect you nothing is going to get you"  "But it does don't you see!?!"  she screamed sitting up ripping her shirt over her head. Her back was covered in gashes and whip scars. Bruises trailed her shoulders and down her thighs. Burns patterned her spine. "Baby... Why didn't you tell me, I can help you"  "No you can't. I dont want to hurt you. I can't fight it anymore. I thought she was only in my dreams but she's here she's down stairs she's gonna take me."  Y/N said as she began pacing again. Like before I grabbed her and pulled her to me. I sat back into the pillows and pulled the blanket over her fighting her struggles until she gave up and finally fell asleep. "Nothings gonna get you babygirl. I promise" I whispered while rubbing her back. "Everything will be okay baby"
A scream of agony woke me up. I jumped and looked down to see if Y/N was still asleep in my arms. With the realization she wasn't I practically flew out of the room and down the stairs. A trail of smeared blood across the walls led me down a narrow hallway I hadn't seen before. Another scream came from the door at the end of the hall. I burst down the door to see her chained to a metal table. The door slammed shut behind me. Her head turned to me. Her eyes pale gray and her skin not much darker. Her body rose breaking the chains as another agonizing scream emerged from her weak body. I froze, not able do to anything but watch as she remained her color in her skin. She turned to me once more, her expression softened but her eyes stayed the same cold gray. "J-jack is that y-you?" she stuttered stepping forward. "Y-ye-yes"  I couldn't seem to speak. Her skin was flawless and seemed to sparkle under the dim iridescent lighting. Her hair changed from the normal h/c to a light pink at the top to a bright beautiful purple, although there seemed no change, she appeared thinner. She turned her back to me. "I'm hideous aren't I?" she asked sounding depressed and hurt. "You're still the y/n I fell in love with baby. You're still my princess. That's never gonna change." I said as I pulled her to me and pet her hair. She wrapped her arms and legs around me and I carried her into the living room. Gasps filled the air as they seem me with what they thought was another girl. She turned around to face them with a bright smile. I put her down and she kissed my cheek. "What did you do to her?" Toby yelled  "relax Toby, it was destiny and I feel.... Amazing!" she said jumping up and down. "She's happy and she's safe. That's all that matters" I said pulling her to me. Toby put his hands in his pockets and a picture fell out. Y/n picked up. Her hair turned pitch black and her skin a pair green. Tears emerged from her eyes and Toby tried to not look at her. "where did u get this Toby." she said slowly and calmly. He reached for the picture but she held it back "I uh-"  he said quietly. Her hair turned red as flamed sparked at the tips. Her skin back to its pale almost white color. She rose slowly and dropped the picture, it burned with flame. At the edge I could only see a small image of a middle aged woman smiling-her mother. "Toby, tell me where you got the picture." her eyes glowing a bloodshot red. "I can't y/n". She dropped to the floor as she wildly changed colors. She ran upstairs and into the bathroom. "Toby what did you do"  I scremed running up the stairs. "babe it's me, let me in."  "no! I'm a freak! Leave me alone!" I silently picked the lock and slowly opened the door to see her hiding in the bathtub. I reached for her but she twitched and moved away. "he knows something" she said.  "he knows something about my Mother"
Okay guys here's the next chapter. Working on the other one I'm sorry my updates have been late but here you go. I'm doing shout outs soon for all the support I just wanna thank you guys so much. Also guys!? 625 READS!?!?!?!?   THANK YOU SO MUCH I'M LIKE FREAKING OUT ILY GUYS SO MUCH HELLOOOOO ❤❤

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