Chapter 17

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I heard, cackling? Cackling. Was it just in my head? Was there really someone laughing. Yes, there was. It's me. Laying on the ground cackling. Why? What am I doing on the ground? Why am I covered in blood? Why do i have no control over myself? I'm scared. Where's Jack? I wanna go home to Jack. I need to go home to him. I can't move. Please help me. Someone help me. 
"FUCK YOU JAMESON" I heard screamed from down the path. I'm in my own body again, still can't control it. What is happening? Why am I so calm about this. I am running  down the pathway now at an inhumane wolf like speed. Where's the girl? Where has she gone? Is she hurt? I hear muffled screaming from the bushes. It must be the girl it has to be the girl. Who is Jameson? Why does she hate him? I thought people got along? Through the bushes there's a shiny red heel. It's pretty, like the blonde girl tied up with ripped fragments of her sparkly red dress, her black diamond necklace is in her mouth. What has happened? I reach down and pull the necklace out of her throat. Her eyes strike with fear as she glances behind me. Without thinking I ducked, just as a rock was thrown over the  spot my head used to be. It struck the pretty blonde girl in the face, poor thing. I grabbed his arm and threw him over my shoulder into the tree. I grabbed him by the throat and hissed. Hissed? Hissed. I reached down to the heel of the dead woman and grabbed it, heel facing him. I stabbed it through his forehead and into the tree letting his body go limp so only the shoe was keeping this man off the ground. I grabbed the purse of the woman and checked the mirror in it. Fixed my hair and wiped off some dirt and blood that had been discarded from the "fight". I noticed my eyes a bright yellow with red pupils. Was I hallucinating? Why hadn't I felt bad about what I just did? Did he secretly deserve it? Maybe so? Oh well. I must go now, they cannot know it was me. I am not crazy right? No! Crazy? Me? Never! I'm just.... Normal. For my back ground atleast. But anyway I must head back to the mansion, if I'm gone to long they shall suspect things.. Things they don't need to worry about...

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