Chapter 6

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I wake up on the couch immediately noticing jack wasn't sitting with me. The TV was on, but the video game was paused. I looked around seeing no one until I heard a laugh. I walked into the kitchen and immediately smelled something delicious. The guys were sitting at the table and I noticed Jack standing at the stove cooking something. I leaned in the door way and watched the guys at the table beating eachother up and arguing. I laughed silently and walked over to Jack who was on the other end of the kitchen and I wrapped my arms around his torso and leaned my head on his back. "Look who's up" he sad turning and putting an arm around me, pulling me to his side. "How long was I sleeping?" I asked looking back at the guys at the table. "About t-two hours" Toby said with a twitching smile. "Thanks toby". "Sure smells good Jack. Whens it gonna be ready?" Ben started squirming in his chair. "watcha making babe" I looked up at him focused on the stove. "Ribs, want some?" "depends are they human?" I smiled and he turned to me, picked me up and put me on the counter next to him. I laughed and started watching him. He re-focused his concentration on to the meat and I smiled. He's so beautiful when he isn't trying to be. "What are u staring at over there". I blushed at turned away "Just..... How beautiful you are" "thanks princess " he kissed my forhead, I smiled like a maniac and decided to jump down from the counter and walk over to squirming Ben." Could you guys not. SOME of us are still single."he complains and I put him in a headlock and ruffled his hair up, "AWE is poor Benny sad cuz he can't get a girlfriiiiend" I teased and walked over to the doors. "I'll be right back imma go chance" "it's hot out so no leggings" "UUUUGH FINE" Me and Jack yelled to eachother as I was still walking up the stairs. I walked into Jack's room and seen a girl sitting on his bed. I slowly approached her and she was looking at something. It was my ring! The one I got from my mother before she died! "GIVE ME THAT" I screamed as I ripped it away from her hands tears already streaming down my face. Toby ran into the room followed by Ej and lastly Ben trailing behind them. Toby pulled me to him and I cried into his chest. Jack stood there, staring at her who was fiddling around her thumbs sitting on his bed. She had something else in her hand. It's my necklace! My necklace that has my mom's ashes in it! "DONT TOUCH THAT" I bounded out of Toby's grasp and reached for it but she pulled it away before I could. "Listen woman I don't know who you are or why you keep yelling at me. I don't understand why your collecting dust in this locket. It's gross." she spoke in such a harsh tone I couldn't control myself or what happened next. Before I knew it my hand was across her face and I grabbed the necklace from her. She jumped up and pinned me to the floor holding a knife to my throat. "Wanna try that again sweetheart" she said with a creepy smile. Ben pulled her off of me and Jack ripped me to my feet pulling me into his arms and holding me. She grabbed my necklace and ran into the bathroom holding it over the toilet. I ran in after her and pulled her away just as she dropped it, it hit the toilet seat and popped open. I grabbed it just in time before the ashes could spill out onto the floor. I clutched it to my chest and sunk down on my knees. "I'm sorry mommy, it's gonna be okay. I promise I'll make everything right" I whispered, tears streaming down my face. "JULIANE NOT COOL. WHAT ARE YOU EVEN DOING HERE, WHY ARE YOU IN MY ROOM AND WHY ARE YOU ATTACKING MY GIRLFRIEND" I heard Jack yell, Toby slid an arm around me and lifted me to my feet. "Uhmmm J-Jack, come H-here. Now." I could here his voice fading out. The room was getting darker and it all cut out. All I saw was blackness, I couldn't hear anything anymore. Until... There she was, standing in front of me, "M-mommy?" I started trembling, my words shaking. She stepped closer to me and stoked my cheek, "shhh baby it'll be alright. Mommy's gonna make it alright babygirl I promise. Just stay strong baby. I love you" she kissed my forhead and with that... She was gone. "MOMMY?! MOMMY NO COME BACK! PLEASE! I need you. Please mommy come back." I fell to my knees sobbing in the complete darkness.

***Jack's POV ***

"Uhmmm J-Jack come H-here. Now." Toby demanded holding y/n in his arms. "WHAT HAPPENED?!" I yelled demanding answers. "I d-dont know". I picked her up and placed her on the bed. I checked her pulse and found a very faint one. I tried chest compressions but her chest has grown stiff. I tried mouth to mouth but her body won't take air. What's happening to her?! I layed my head in her lap, crying. Everyone in the room grew silent but I didn't care. I need her back. She's my world I need her back. "J-Jack? Is that you" my head shot up at the sound of y/n's voice. "yes princess it's me"   "so this is the new whore in your bed huh" Juliane said in discust. "get out Juliane we need to figure out what just happened" Ben said, pushing her out the door, slamming it behind her.

***your POV***

"Leave me alone! Please!" shouted behind me. I sobbed in the corner I was trapped in and with the little bit of light I could see Juliane.... Bloody knifed and all, I had already taken three beatings, a broken rib, black eye, and busted lip. Jack emerged from the darkness as she was approaching me. She grabbed him by the shirt and forced his lips on to hers and before he could react she released him and ran to me, she grabbed my shoulder and when Jack stepped closer, she slit my throat and threw me to the ground. I keep having these nightmares and sometime I'm not even sleeping. If I zone out I'll zone back in to reality laying on the floor with everyone around me. But this Juliane... I could tell she was trouble and would stop and nothing to get rid of me... Nothing.

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