Chapter 9

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"But I wanttttttt itttttttttt" I begged Jack to give me his hoodie. "no, I'll never get it back" he glared at me and went back to poking at the fire. "But it's cooooolddddd" "I don't care stop being a crybaby" "But baaaaaaaaaaaaaabeeeeeeeeeeee" "no." I folded my arms over my chest and pouted if he wants to call me a crybaby I'll show him a crybaby. "Stop bickering you two you're not even married yet and you're arguing" "be quiet f/n" "ewwww who said I wanna marry her" "you meanie!!!!" I stuck my tongue out at him and put my head on his shoulder. "be quiet crybaby" I received a kiss on the cheek and I folded my arms again. "hm." I looked over at f/n and Toby holding hands. Apperently they started dating while they were out on a walk. We decided to have a bonfire in the backyard because it was a nice night. Jack won't give me his hoodie though, meanie. "baaaaaabeee" "no." "I thought you loved me" I sniffled and fake cried. He wrapped his arm around me and kissed my forehead " I do princess" "apperently not" "*sigh* fine. Crybaby" he pulled his hoodie off and threw it on my face "Yayyyyyy" I pulled his hoodie over my head and grabbed his face, I turned his head to me and kissed him. "baby come here" he pulled me off my chair and I was sitting on his lap. He kissed my neck and poked the fire again. "bleh" Ben said from behind me. "nasties" "shut up" I picked up a stick and threw it at him. "play nice you two" Jack said as be kissed my shoulder. I grabbed his hand and rested our intertwined hands in my lap. I kissed his cheek and smiled. He poked at the fire once more. "Oh mhy gohd guys let's make s'mores!!!!". F/n and I jumped up from our spots. "what are s'mores?" Toby looked up at us confused. F/n pretended to fake faint into my arms and I caught her. I pushed her back up and looked at Jack," do you have Graham crackers?" "yes" "marshmallows?" "yes" "chocolate?" "yes" "go get it all, f/n look for sticks".. After they gathered up all the necessities I grabbed a stick, roasted my marshmallow and made a s'more. I handed it Toby and he took a bite. Within seconds the gooey melted s'more was gone. We made more and everyone stuffed themselves with the sugary concoction. It was delicious. "I'm getting tired" Jack yawned from behind me. "me too" Toby agreed. "Are you tired?" f/n looked at me "not really" "me neither" "well I'm going to bed babe" "goodnight love" I stood up and hugged Jack. I gave him a quick kiss on his cheek and the boys headed inside. F/n switched to the side of the first next to me and we told stories from third grade and laughed. "hey y/n? Do you remember when me you and mom made brownies and she got flour all over her face?" she started to laugh and I looked into the woods behind the house. "and she got egg in my hair" I added, a smile crept up on my face as I thought about that day...


"Grab the eggs, milk, and butter" My mom yelled to me while standing on a chair getting some brownie mix. "f/n can you get the giant bowl from the cupboard please". We added all the ingredients and mixed it all together. "I guess we didn't need this egg, catch!" I turned around just as the egg landed on the top of my head. The three of us burst out laughing as my mom put the brownie pan in the oven. I slid my finger around the sides of the bowl and hid my hand behind my back, "f/n come here!" I walked over to my best friend and smeared the brownie batter all over her face. That started a brownie batter war and we flung it at eachother covering the others face, hair, and clothes. "Okay you too go get cleaned up" my mom looked at us and nudged us out of the kitchen. Luckily we were still in our pajamas so we changed and washed our hair and faces. Once we looked presentable we walked back into the kitchen, my mom was sitting at the table her dirty light blonde hair tucked behind her ear, her perfectly unperfect teeth into a big bright smile. She always had a smile on her face. The timer on the oven beeped and my mom pulled the brownies out, while they were cooling we went to the store to get some ice cream. We ate the brownies an ice cream while watching a movie. It was always the best when the three of us were together..

(end of flashback)

"y/n? You okay? Did you die on me or something? " I looked over to see a worried expression on my best friends face. " I'm fine, I haven't been able to get much sleep lately, let's go in for the night babe" "okay" we stood up and walked into the house, we said goodnight to each other and I walked upstairs. I peeled off my shorts and threw on a pair of sweatpants. I pulled Jack's hoodie off and took off my tank top. I climbed into bed next to my sleeping Jack and wrapped my arms around him. He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer to him. He kissed my forehead and spoke in a light whisper, "Goodnight princess" "goodnight my love" I planted a kiss on his lips and buried my head in his chest. My eyelids soon felt heavy and I drifted into a deep sleep.

"run faster you little whore! It won't save you" I kept running down the long black street ignoring the voices few feet behind me. "Leave me alone! Please!" I begged and begged for them to stop but they wouldn't. "Now now y/n, you know we can't do that" I looked behind me and wasn't paying attention to the agreed ending in a dead end in front of me. Soon I found myself in an alley. I searched for a place to hide as the voices grew closer. My eyes settled on a trash can within a few feet. I squeezed behind it just as the voices reached the alley. "she's in here somewhere she's gotta be! Start looking!" a pair of footsteps went left, a pair went right. A third came straight ahead and stopped on the other side of the trash can. I placed my hand over my mouth as tears started to run down my face. Suddenly someone grabbed me by the hair and pulled me out. "Found her!" he yelled as he threw me to the ground. Soon there were three men towering above me. Suddenly I felt a kick to my ribcage. I screamed in agony and received more kicks to my body and face. I felt some wet substance start to ooze from my forehead and soon realized I was bleeding. I received a kick to the nose and multiple to the arms, torso, and legs. "shut up you little whore" one screamed as I sobbed once more recieving a kick to the stomach.

"Stop! Please don't! Leave me alone!" I screamed as I sat up in the bed I had fallen asleep in. "Babe what's wrong? " Jack asked in a sleepy voice while sitting up. "nothing babe, just.... Just a nightmare" "are you okay?" he wrapped his arm around me and pulled my body closer to his. "I'm fine, go back to sleep" I got up and walked into the bathroom. I put my hair into a messy bun and looked down at the counter. "uhm babe can you come in here?" within seconds Jack was standing behind me "what's wrong" I turned around and turned over my arms showing him the bruises that had appeared all up my arms. "where did these come from?" "if I knew do you think I would be showing you?" "sorry.." he grabbed my upper arm and examined my black and blue marks on my arms. "we'll talk to slendy tomorrow. Come on babe let's get some sleep" what's happening to me!?! Where are these bruises coming from!?! I haven't even told Jack about the ones I found on my thighs... Oh boy this is gonna be fun..

I'm sorry this update took forever! Hope you guys still enjoy!! And remember, sometimes things get a little boring before it gets exciting

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