Chapter 16

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I ran as fast as my feet could go. My legs seemed to have a mind of their own I couldnt stop my body. The trees ripped past until I finally stopped, still without control of my body... Something, I don't know what but something, has control and its not me. My brain was working but my body wasn't. I started running again at an inhumane pace into the city. I found a random house and scaled the back wall of it and through a window. A man, about twenty three, lay sleeping in the bed. Without control I pounced clutching his throat, his drunken bloodshot eyes shot open and he attempted a scream only cut off by me hissing at him to shut the hell up. My fingernails sharpened as I dug them into his throat. There was mumbling from by the window as a body fell into the darkness. I stilled my breathing  and slowly, leaned my head to the neck of the man underneath me. I ripped out his throat with my suddenly shark like teeth. I twisted his neck to ensure death and tucked the  man back in like nothing  had happened. Suddenly the light  flickered on and there he was standing by the door of the room. "y/n, this isn't who you are. Stop. Please, for your  own sake y/n, for men... Please stop this"  suddenly I was myself again and I wiped the blood from my mouth and spoke in a slow shaky whisper. "What.... Have... I... Done..."  "You're becoming yourself, your mom... She was one of us.... I'm sorry"  I collapsed into Jack's arms and he held me. "I can help you baby, come on.. Let's go home."  "don't u want the kidneys baby?"  "I was gonna come back, I didn't wanna gross you out."  "I literally just ate his throat."  I said giggling a little bit. He harvested the kidneys and wrapped his arm around me and we walked through the house and out the front door. "I've never loved you as much as i do right now" he said and kissed my forehead. "oh Ohkay." I said as I fake pouted. He picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "Shut you're cute ass up damn"  "fine.".  I crossed my arms again and he didn't say a word. He only gave a littke chuckle as we turned the trees corner and headed home, I was just worried about what had came over me. Would it come when I'm with my friends. Would it come when I'm with my family. Would it come when I'm with Jack?...

Hearts Not Kidneys (Eyeless Jack X Reader) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz