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As soon as I walked up to the house and through the door I was bombarded by the crowd of dancing teens stand by the door.  There were lots of hugs and squeezes. After everything died down a little Isac and Jeff came over to see that the commotion was. As soon as I seen Isac my smile dissappeared from my face as he looked me dead in the eyes. He gulped and threw on a smile. "you really are alive. Thought you ran your cute little self away." Isac put his arm around me and tried to hug me. I spun out of his arm and looked up to Jeff. "uhm, Jeff can I talk to you please" I gave him a friendly smile and he just looked down at me "alone please" I added trying to maintain a smile. "yah sure" he grabbed my wrist and pulled me through a crowd of people and out the back door, there were a few people in the back yard but it extended about four yards and only the front was occupied at the moment, we stopped when we reached the back of the yard and he turned to me. The next thing I knew I was embraced in a tight hug? I hugged him back as my head was buried in his chest. After what seemed like forever he released me and looked down at me like everyone else around me does! "what did you need to talk about?"  "why did you tell f/n that if she could find me to bring me? Why did you invite me in the first place ur popular and, well, look at me!" I got angrier as I thought about the fact that I'm actually standing in Jeff's backyard at this party when four months ago he didn't even knew I existed. "Four months ago none of you people even knew I existed! But not because I'm some 'psycho emo chick who runs away because she can't cut herself anymore' huh?! That's the only reason you wanted me here. For your reputation, you want to play hero don't you." I turned and started to walk away when I felt a hand on my arm, Jeff pulled me backwards and bent down to be at my level that douche  "y/n, I wanted you here because I'm worried about you, you might have been the quiet girl who u thought nobody likes, but do you remember before how you helped me study for finals to pass eighth grade? Or when I threw a pencil at you to get your attention. Honestly getting you to talk to us was a miracle because ur such a shy girl but ur the most beautiful girl at our school. Especially because your not like the girl who throws herself at everyone because she wants to up her popularity." I felt a tear form in my eye and it drizzled down my face cascading to the ground "we're all worried about you. Honestly I threw this party just to invite you so I knew you were okay. I'm really worried about you" the tears just kept flowing down my face like a river, why were the popular guys worried about little me? I never was popular and nobody ever noticed me. Jeff grabbed me arm and rolled up my sleeve, he repeated with my other until both my arms, cuts and all, we're visible. A look of disappointment and worry grew on his face and I just sat there speechless until he finally choked out something  in a shaky voice... I don't think he's ever seen this many cuts on a person's body.. "when was the last time you ate?"  why was he even worried anyways what is he doing? Wait... When was the last time I ate? I really don't remember I mean sure I had some popcorn when I watched the movie with the guys but when was the last time I actually  sat down and ate a meal??  "I.. I don't remember" I looked up at him and seen him looking  to the ground, I ripped my arms away and ran back into the house and looked for f/n, I found Isac dancing with some chick and I ran up to him pulling him away from her. "Where's f/n!?!?  I need to go, like now"   "woah Princess where ya going? U can't leave now" he said smiling. I looked up at him and hatred grew in his eyes as he looked behind me. I tried around and seen the queen be of all hoes sitting there. Angel. Ugh I hate her and I've hated her since third grade. She said she was gonna fight me but backed out when I actually showed up.  Isac pulled me to him and sent someone to go get Jeff, they ran into the room and u was escorted upstairs by some of the friends, I was set in a small room and told not to let anyone in besides him, Jeff or Isac. Everyone knew if Angel seen me, she'd tell the police right away and all hell would break loose. Everyone else knew better and no one talked to the police or parents. After about twenty minutes Isac came upstairs and said she was gone, we went back downstairs. There was not much conversation for the night but lots of dancing.

**lol three hours later**

"we'll see you again soon right?" Isac spoke as he pulled me to him. "of course" my muffled voice came through his shirt. I smiled and pulled myself away. I walked to Jeff and smiled. He extended his hand to me and I took it, he pulled me close to him and hugged me. "be careful out there y/n, please be careful." he whispered into my hair and released me. "of course I will" I smiled and f/n said her goodbyes, with that we walked back to the mansion laughing and telling the other what we did at the party. Apperently she met some guy named Alberto and he tried to hook up with her, she said she had a boyfriend but she really just wasn't into him, and she liked Toby. She laughed as I told her how I scream sung my heart out.
Once we walked through the door and into the mansion we heard laugh screaming. We walked into the living room and seen Toby, Ben, Jack, Masky, and Hoodie wrestling around on the floor. Uncle slendy laying on the couch, he noticed me and jumped up running to me embracing  me in a hug. "Never leave me alone with these, things. Again!!"  I laughed and walked over to the wrestling boys and suddenly I'm pulled down into the crowd of resting men and before I knew it I was fighting all of them on the floor. Toby jumped up to talk to f/n and the others just stayed attacking me until I gave up and quit fighting back. Apperently they were all so bored they bugged and bugged and bugged uncle slendy to find something for them to do. I walked upstairs. Changed into a sports bra and a tank top, threw on some black shorts and went into the kitchen, once I turned the corner into the kitchen I opened the freezer and took out my container of ice cream. Mmmm mint chocolate chocolate chip. I sat on the couch, layed my head on Jacks shoulder and watched another movie with the guys, f/n and Toby went for a walk. Oooooh. I smiled at my own thought and started watching the movie sparing Jack a bite of ice cream every now and then because he's a crybaby and pouts if I don't share but it's adorable and I wouldn't trade him for the world.

LOL sorry for the cheesy ending guys but u loveeeeee itttttttttt right? :-D

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