Chapter 2

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Selena POV:

"mom!" Emely said from her room.

"yes?" I asked as I entered her room.

"Can I please go shoping with the girls?" Emely asked

"let me see... did you went to get your license with your father last weekend?" I asked

"no..." Emely said

"and why dint you?" I asked

"because I decided to have a pool day with the girls" Emely said

"exactly" I said

"but..." Emely began to say

"no buts! For once your biological father tries to be helpful and you just wasted that good opportunity" I said

"ughhhh... mom..." Emely complain

"no license no mall. I have work and I also have 4 other children to take care off. Niall is working so he cant take you and I think Harry went out with his girlfriend Cibeles. Unless your brother takes you" I said

"he is skateboarding out side he is not going to take me" Emely said 

"the last option is for your father Justin to take you" I said

"ughhh this is so unfair!" Emely said and walked out of her room.

Teenagers are so difficult...

My phone began to buzz.

"hey zayn" I said

"hi sis" Zayn said

"how are things?" I asked

"very good and you?" Zayn said

"just had a little argument with your niece, so whats up?" I asked

"well I am calling to tell you that me and Paris are getting marry in Hawai" Zayn said

"omg congratulations!" I said

"thanks, I was calling to invite you guys and the kids" Zayn said

"great, give me the details" I said

Zayn told me the information and I wrote it down.

"thanks see you" I said

"see you sis" I said and ended the call.

Two hours later Niall arrived home.

"hi sel" Niall said and gave me a kiss 

"hi Niall how was work?" I asked

"its was good, but I am tire. Whats wrong with Emely she is in the living room and she looks angry" Niall said

"She wanted to go to the mall and she told me at last minute. I had some work to finish and she dint got her license when both of the twins were gonna go get it with Justin. There were no people who could take her to the mall so I said no license no mall" I said

"ohhh... She really needs to get her license" Niall said

"thats what I keep telling you. Btw Zayn and Paris are getting marry" I said

"reallly?!?!" Niall asked

"Yeah!" I said

"Thats awsome!!!" Niall said

Harry came in with Cibeles.

"why are you guys screaming?" Harry said looking at us with a confused face.

"My brother is gettung marry" I said

"omg congratulations!!!" Cibeles said

"Thanks" I said and smile

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