Chapter 39

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Bella POV:

I was laying on my bed with the covers covering every inch of my body...

I dint feel like moving... As you can see I was very upset. The worst person that could have discovered that me and Aaron had a thing did. On top of that she took the necklace that my dad gave me, it was specially made for me there is no other one of those... It has my initials, my moms and my dads engraved in the back.

She was so nice when we meet her, I dont get it.

Could a girl really be so desperate to be with a boy that she would change her complete personality... ? Unless... she was faking it all along...

My thoughts got interrupted as I felt something on top of me.

"ow!" I groaned

"what the?!?" The other person squealed in shock

I uncovered my face and saw Emely laying on the ground.

"omg! I am so sorry!" I said

"Bella! What are you doing in my bed?" Emely asked

"This is your bed...?" I said more in a question looking around.

"yeah... yours is that one" Emely said pointing at a bed across from the one I was laying on.

"Oh sorry..." I said as I stood up.

"its ok... wait... were you crying?" Emely asked

"nope" I said and walked quickly to my bed.

"Bella" Emely said my name

"what?" I asked looking at the roof.

"Bella I know that something is wrong with you" Emely said

"I dont want to talk about it" I said

"I dont like seeing you like this please tell me" Emely said

"nope..." I said

"Please " Emely begged

"its not a big deal" I said

"oh come on bella you and I both know that you just dont cry for no reason" Emely said

"just drop it!" I said

"Bella I really want to help you! You know that you are like a sister to me" Emely said

I stayed quiete...

"Bella please just look at me" Emely said

I look at her without saying a word.

"Please tell me I really want to help" Emely said

I stayed quiete for a momment.

"Fine... Miley is blackmailing me and took the necklace my dad gave me" I said

"the speacial necklace?!?!" Emely asked shocked

"yeah..." I said

"wait thats why I saw her wearing it at the living room the other day. I found that weird considering that you dont let anyone touch it" Emely said

"I dont know what is wrong with her lately" I said

"Austin is whats wrong" Emely said

"what do you mean?" I asked

"you know that I kind of changed..." Emely said

"yeah... you used to get along with Becca, very hard to believe..." I said

"well... Austin seems kind of nice but he only dates one type of girls, the rebel ones that have a bitchy personality and are consider beautiful by others" Emely said

"thats why you did diets and all of those shits?!?!" Bella said

"hey you are a model you diet to and your mom!" Emely said

"yeah but we do it the healthy way with a nutricionist! You use to skip meals and basically only drink water" I said

Emely started to cry.

"oh Em I am so sorry" I said feeling kind of bad

"no! you are right I was being stupid... I make my sister feel like crap when I should be a role model for her and our little sister, I dont know how Aaron feels about me now... We use to be inseparable and Mark, Mark... he saw me naked!" Emely said 

"calm down you are stressing out and I am sure you can fix everything with your sibblings" I said

"Miley is being so bitchy torwards me and I cant deal with it! I wonder if I ever made Becca feel like I am feeling now..." Emely said

"yes..." Becca said from the door

"Becca were you easdropping?" Emely asked

"yeah..." Becca said

"I am so sorry for being rude to you" Emely said

"are you really sorry?" Becca asked

"yeah! Like this whole trip made me realized how awful I have been with you guys" Emely said

"you are forgiven" Becca said and gave Emely a hug.

"omg I havent seen you guys hug in sooo long!" I said

"I know!" Aaron said

"oh come here!" Emely said and the 3 of them hugged.

"I brought you something" Aaron said looking at me.

"what?" I asked curious.

"here" Aaron said and handed something to me

When I look at it, it was my necklace.

"omg you got my necklace back!?!?!" I asked

"yeah, Demi helped" Aaron said

"omg thank you!" I said and huged him

we heard a cough

"are we missing something here?" Becca asked

"yeah are you 2 like finally a thing?" Emely asked

"what?" I said as I turned red

"oh come on Bella its obvious that you 2 are crushing on each other" Emely said

"yeah we use to bet when you were going to get together" Becca said

"seriously?!?" Aaron asked

"yeah... so... are you togehter?" Becca asked

"something like that" Aaron said and put a hand around me.

"ok this reminds me I won!" Emely said

"do you even remember what were our rewards?" Becca asked

"honestly nope!" Emely said

"well... this was a waste!" Becca said and we all laugh.


Hey guys hope you like the chapter! (:

Not updating till I get 5 more votes and 5 more comments.


1) Did you like this other side of Emely?

2) Do you like that Aaron and Bella are together?

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