Chapter 57

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Louis POV:

"Here you go love." I said handing a cup  of tea to Eleanor.

"Thanks boo bear" Eleanor said.

I sat down next to her.

"Are you feeling better?" I asked her.

"yeah... I guess I was in so much shock when I saw Harry, I mean we all thought that he was dead. When Zayn called and told us that they had found him in their back yard I could not belive it." Eleanor said and took a sip of tea.

"Honestly we are all still processing all of this..." Taylor said.

"Taylor where did you came from?" Ashley asked.

"I been living here with the kids..." Taylor said.

"what happened to our house?" Ashley asked.

"I sold it" Taylor said.

"what?!?!" Ashley asked.

"Ashley we are getting separated, I am going for five years on a mission, we all thought Harry was dead and we dint knew if you were gonna be able to take care of the kids after all that had happened. Your mom is not alive, my parents are sick and your dad can't take care of the kids! So like a worried dad I talked to your brother and Selena." Taylor said.

"We prepared Harrys room for your son and another bed in case Taylor came to visit and your daugther is staying with Tori." Niall said.

"You were gonna raise my kids??" Ashley asked.

"yeah, we werent gonna let them in the street" Niall said.

"But you have 5 children! 5 children not 1!" Ashley said.

"They share my same blood!" Niall said back.

"Ashley could you just be thankful for once!" Taylor said.

"I am just worrying for all of the stuff you were going to deal with if I could take responsability..." Ashley said.

"Its ok..." Niall said.

"wait! You sold our house where am I going to live with the kids?!?!" Ashley said.

"You are welcome to stay with us." Eleanor said.

"really?" Ashley asked.

"yeah" Eleanor said.

"wouldnt I be invading?" Ashley asked.

"Not at all, when we were all in Hawaii we were having a remodelation so we all have more space" Louis said.

"Thank you guys!" Ashley said.

"I'll go get the kids stuff packed." Ashley said.

Ashley stood up and went up stairs to get everything ready.

"I made the calls and they are going to return the body" Selena said coming in the dinning room.

Harry came and sat down.

"how are you feeling?" Taylor asked.

"I feel good but is very weird that you all thought I was dead" Harry said.

"yeah we are still processing all of this..." Taylor said.

"Have you and Ashley talked? " Eleanor asked.

"no..." Harry said.

"I think that she is still in shock, I am surprise that she dint fainted when me and Niall told her." Selena said.

"You should talk to her at some point." I said.


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Should Harry talk to Ashley??

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