Chapter 23

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Emely POV:

"Emely we should get back home" Aaron said

"I dont want to!" I said

Everyone was with Demi, Miley and Jason and I really dint want to be around Jason nor Austin. I screw our relationship we are so not getting back together. Lets be real if he had done what I did to him I would never fogive him.

"come on!" Aaron said

"no!" I said

"stop being so stuborn" Aaron said

"I dont want to go back to the house" I said crossing my arms

"you dint want to go to Jasons house for obvious reasons. I accompany you to the park what else could you possibly want" Aaron said a little annoyed

"you should understand why I dont want to go back" I snap back at Aaron.

"do you remember the reason why we are in Hawai?" Aaron asked me

"ofcourse I do! Aunt Paris and Uncle Zayn are getting marry I am not stupid!" I said

"well if you remember that you should stop thinking about yourself and put our relatives firts. Today is the rehearsal dinner so come on!" Aaron said

I kind of felt bad... Aaron was right. I should think about them and not me for a momment. They are clueless of what happened and I still have to be with Austin... ughhh I'll manage to make it throught the rehearsal. It should be easy right...

"I hate it when you are right!" I said getting up from the swing.

Aaron just chuckled.

"give me a piggy back ride" I said

"seriously!" Aaron complained

"pretty please!" I said giving him the puppy eyes.

"are you actually saying the word please?? I thought that wasnt in your vocabulary" Aaron said

"oh shut up and just give me a piggy back ride" I said

"now there is the emely I know" Aaron said

He stood infront of me and I jumped on his back.

The park was like 15 minutes away from the house.

"you know that what you did was wrong right?" Aaron said to me

"yeah... I really dont want to talk about it" I said looking at the clouds.

"ok, put we are having a conversation later" Aaron said

"fine... so... Bella?" I said with a smirk on my face

"bella?" He said shock and we he triped over a bike and we fell on some grass

"ouch! Aaron watch were you are going!" I yell

"sorry!" Aaron said still nerveous

"you so like her!" I said

"no! she is our cousin! " Aaron said in a very defensive mode

"she is not actually blood related and I see the way you look at her" I said

"shut up!" Aaron said and got inside the house.

Oh! we fell right in front of the house how convinient!

I went inside and there was mom looking very angry.

"Emely and Aaron Malik! Go get dress we are late because of you two!" Mom said 

With that we ran upstairs and got dress as quickly as I could.


Hey guys hope you like this chapter!!! :D

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Congratulation to @AmericanGirly

You are Emely Malik!!! :D

Guys thanks a lot for reading my story, it really means a lot to me.

Please tell me what did you like about this chapter and who do you want the next chapter to focus on.

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