Chapter 32

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Becca POV:

We decided that after we drank our chocolate we will go back to watch the video.

"do you guys want more?" mom asked

"no thank you aunt selena" Bella said

"ok" mom said

"I think I should go take a bubble bath and then go to bed, its been a long day..." Paris said and yawned.

"good night aunt Paris" I said

"good night kids" Aunt Paris said and went up stairs while uncle Zayn followed her.

"Sel, I thinnk I am going to go to sleep" Niall said

"ok, I'll be there in a minute" mom said

"ok" Niall said and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"I want youuuuu!" Ariana sang as she came inside the house.

"Ariana, you have such an amazing voice!" Cibeles said

"thank you!" Ariana said

"good night everyone" Aunt Ashley said as Cibeles rolled her eyes.

"good night!" We all said exept for Cibeles that was too busy glaring at Aunt Ashley.

"do you know were Justin is?" Ariana asked

"yeah, he was very tired so he went to sleep" Harry said

"ok, thanks" Ariana said and continue to walk to her room.

Cibeles groaned.

"what is wrong with you?" Harry asked

"cant you just stop looking at Ashley!" Cibeles screamed

"ughhh! stop being a bitch!" Emely said

There was a huge silent and everyone was staring at her.

"I mean cant you see that Uncle Harry is not in love with you. We can clearly see that he is in love with ashley. He never might had liked you once but I honestly think that he has never love you the way that he loves Aunt Ashley. So my advice is for you to stop bitching, it just seems desesparate and embarrasing!" Emely said

"you little brat!" Cibeles said

"see I wasnt kidding when I said that she called me like that way before we event went here" Emely said motioning torwards Cibeles.

"Is that true?" mom asked

"I kind of heard her once called her like that" Jason admit it.

"I cant belive that! You seem so nice..." Harry said in complete shocked.

"I.... I...." Cibeles began to say.

"dont! I tried to fix us but you always gave Ashley a hard time, I cant keep up with all of this. We are done!" Harry said

"But... Harry!" Cibeles said with tears in her eyes.

"go make your luggage, I will call a taxi to take you to the airport." Harry said

"but were am I going to stay!?!?" Cibeles said

"your parents house. Here is money for taxi, food and the plain tickets" Harry said handing them to her and walked to the backyard.

"asshole!" Cibeles screamed and ran upstairs.

"w...o...w..." Mark said

"this was like a telenovela" Aunt Vanessa said

"tell me about it" mom said

"I hope harry is ok" Aunt Eleanor said

"yeah me to" Vanessa said

"you should go talk to him..." Liam said to Louis.

"thats a good idea" mom said

Louis got up from his chair and went to find Harry in the backyard.

We all decided to see the rest of the video...

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