Chapter 31

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Emely POV:

The next 5 days have been crazy. We found out that aunt Paris sister passed away and on top of that she had to make as soon as possible that her nephew and two nieces were hers from now on legally. She finally adopted them with Zayn.

I guess it all worked out... in a way...

I mean dont get me wrong, I am sad about the news even though I dint new their parents that well.

I am relieve that Austin was already back at his home, I could not take the awkwardness anymore. On related news he started dating Miley and I heard that they are going to keep a long distance realationship. Good luck to that... (note the sarcasm)

Its been prove that long distance relationships dont work on most of the cases.

As for me well...

"hello there sexy" Jason said winking at me.

 "you have to be kidding me" I said as I rolled my eyes at him.

"baby dont be that way" Jason said

"ughhhh! Just go away!" I said as I threw a pillow at him.

"fine! I'll go" Jason said walking away.

As you can see I am still dealing with the asshole of Jason.

I really regret what I did... I honestly feel bad for Austin...

"Em?" I heard Aaron voice.

"yeah?" I asked

"can we come in?" Aaron asked 

"yes" I said 

They came in to my room and just stared at me.

"what is wrong?" I asked

"we found a video..." Becca said

"and...?" I asked

"The only room of us that has a TV is this one" Bella said

"so you guys want to see this video?" I asked

"Duh!" Miley said

I sightly glared at her. 

Dont judge me she is dating my ex! 

"we need to fucking see this video" Demi said

"why is a video so important?" I asked

"look the adults are not in the house, this video may have something in it that tell us how our parents were when they were young." Mark said

"you know how they are always making jokes about each other about the old days and when we asked they just ignore us" Becca said

"we can finally learn what they are hidding from us" Bella said

"fine... give me it" I said as I took the video out of Beccas hand.

"Make sure the little ones are not here" Aaron said

"dont worry they are watching Disney Junior" Bella said

"One Direction Sisters??" I asked

"yeah thats the name of the video" Miley said in a duh tone

"no shit Miley!" Demi said

Thank you Demi! I sightly chuckled.

"ok who is here?" Aaron asked

"Emely, Becca, Mark, Miley, Demi, Jason, you and me" Bella said

Some lay with me on my bed and others sat down at Beccas bed, while Bella and Aaron were in Bellas bed... Weird...

"Ohhhh its starting" Miley said


Their at the house were they all use to live which is were Selena, Niall and Harry live with the kids now.

Ashley, Vanessa and Selena were sitting in the living room.

The door bell rang.

"Pizza is here!" Louis yelled 

They all went to the dinning room and began to eat pizza. Sudently there were only 3 slices left.

"Twinkie thats mine!" Ashley said

"No I am going to eat it!" Niall said grabbing Ashley and putting her away from the pizza.

They keept arguing until they both hit the box and all of the pizza went to the floor. They watched it in slow motion with their mouth open.

"5 second rule!" They both said

As soon as they went to grabbed the pizza Louis step on it falling on the ground on his but.

"NOOOOOO!!!" Ashley and Niall screamed.

"I cant belive I got all this on video!" they voice of Zayn said.

End of Video

We were all laughing.

"omg that was sooo funny!" Becca said

"Dad and aunt Ashley are defenetly twins" Mark said

"I cant belive she use to call him Twinkie, that is so embarrasing" I said

"lets keep watching" Demi said


"Good morning, this is your local news." A blond reporter said

Pictures started to appeared.

"Harry Styles was spotted aerlier today in our local mall. He was with a blond girlwe dint saw her face, we really dont know her identidy. Apparantly they were on a date when suddenly crazy fans started to follow Harry Styles. The couple with their hands holding ran to the car and apparantly went to One Direction house." Another reporter said 

They showed a mini video of it.

"Could this be the new Mrs. Styles? Keep in tone with Your News." The blond reporter said and flashed a smile

End of video

"omg! I knew that Ashley and Harry had some pass between them!" Demi said

"how?!?" Aaron asked confused

"I saw them kissing by the pool and besides havent you guys seen the way Cibeles and Ashley are around each other. Its not exactly peaches and creams" Demi said

"wow... we are starting to get some information" Bella said

"yeah we are" I said

"kids we are home!" We heard my moms voice

"shit!" Demi said as she quickly took the video out.

"what are you doing?" Becca asked

"I am going to keep it somewere safe so later we can finish watching it" Demi said

"ok" Becca said as demi put the video inside her backpack.

The door open.

"hi mom!" Bella said

"hi, do you kids want some chocolate milk?" Aunt Eleanor asked

"yeah" We all said and went downstairs


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