Chapter 36

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Emely POV:

We were still in the living room and Aaron came and sat down beside me. Momments later Bella came and sat down beside Becca.

"hey guys! where were you?" I asked

"yeah guys where were you?" Miley said in a very suppisious way mocking my voice.

Aaron glared at Miley.

"we were just cheecking some flowers that are in the backyard" Bella said

"yeah... we dint knew aunt Paris was in to gardening and stuff" Aaron said

"aunt Paris?" Miley said and chuckled

"Miley what is so funny about that?" Aaron asked clearly annoyed.

"Is your uncle Zayn that is actually in to gardening, I thought he was gay when we first meet him. I mean he is like extremely obsses with his hair!" Miley said

"would you stop saying stupid stuff for like one hour" Jason said

"Demi!" Miley whined.

"Sorry Miley but this time I cant back you, Jason is right this time. Beside you have been rude all morning and is fucking annoying!" Demi said

"BUT...." Miley began to say.


Hello everyone is Ellen! Today we have two special guests starts Justin Bieber and his lovely wife Ariana Grande!

(The crowd is chearing!)


"Everyone shut up! The intreview is starting!" Becca yelled.

"Love Arianas dress!" I said

She was wearing a short strapples peach dress, white pumps and she had her usual half up in a pony and half down hair style.

"Why are all of your moms hot?" Jason asked

"seriously Jason..." Demi said

"I mean look at Ariana and if you look at the others they are freaking stunning! Like Austin agreed with me one time that I mention it to him" Jason said

"ok..." Becca said rolling her eyes.

"I think even Joe would agree with me" Jason said

"hey! you leave me out of this" Joe said

"why? do you think the same as Jason?" Demi asked her boyfriend

"I am not sure if I should answer that question..." Joe said

"dont be scared..." Demi said

"Usually when you say that I should be" Joe said

"I am just curious..." Demi said

"fine... I'll tell you... They are very beautiful womans..." Joe said

"ok" Demi said

"ok?? thats all you are going to say??" Joe asked shocked

"yeah, see it was very simple and I dint do anything to you" Demi said and kissed his cheeck.

Joe was still processing this for some weird reason...


"So Ariana, you guys are staying at the house that Zayn and Paris have in Hawaii right?" Ellen asked

"yes we are, we actually came for the wedding but we had to stay for more time" Ariana said

"how was the wedding?" Ellen said

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