Chapter 37

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Selena POV:

"I wonder how the kids are doing..." Eleanor said

"they are probably ok, you know that there are big kids in the house" Ashley said

"why does the nearest supermarket has to be like 2 hours away from the house! This is riduculous!" I said while driving.

"There is actually one 20 minutes near the house but is under construction" Eleanor said

A car came super fast and almost hit us, I turn the wheel and hit the gas a manage for us to not get hit.

"Sel!" Vanessa yelled

"fuck this shit!" I said

"we know that you are stressed but please calm down..." Vanessa said

"I cant believe Emely, she thinks that I dont know what is happenning in her life but in reality I know exactly what is happening. Like dint she learned from me that she can get pregnant at her age just by the first time" I said

"she is sexually active?" Eleanor asked shocked

"yeah El! And its not actually exactly a shocker I think she was already doing it with Austin" I said angry.

"please cool down we dont want to die!" Vanessa said

"Selena you need to understand that she is a teenager and once we were teenager and we made a lot of mistakes... Like that one time I got the idea to have that party and it dint exactly went as I imagine..." Ashley said

"I still remember it "ONE DIRECTION SISTER GONE WILD" " Eleanor said

"omg I thought it was super funny when all of a sudden Ashley appeared in the TV flashing her boobs" Vanessa said and snorted.

"omg! That was so embarrasing, what was I thinking! And I think I also screamed Harrys boobs or something like that!" Ashley said and laugh a little.

"you guys were so crazy that Louis had to call me to babysit you guys" Eleanor said

"and we are the same age!" Ashley said

"its kind of funny remembering all of those stuff but I dont want the next thing in the news to trend being about our kids like "ONE DIRECTION SISTERS KIDS GONE WILD" " I said

"yeah... guess that you are right..." Ashely said

Someone phones began to ring.

"El could you please answer that?" I said

"ok" Eleanor said

She answered my phone.

"hello?" Eleanor said

"hey Sel, missing you!" we could hear Nialls voice

"awww" All of the girls said at the same time.

"Niall, its actually Eleanor. Selena is driving" Eleanor said

"oh... sorry about that!" Niall said and chuckled

"its ok, its cute that you miss Selena" Eleanor said

"tell him that I miss him to and that he doesnt need to worry because I remember that I have to get his special before we arrive home" I said

"Sel... says..." Eleanor began to say

"yeah I heard her, tell her that I have to go the boys are rushing me... oh! and that I love her very very much!" Niall screamed the last part.

Eleanor put the phone near me.

"I love you more!" I said and the phone call ended.

"you guys are adorable!" Eleanor said

"yeah! ever since you guys started dating officially he is just so cute to you" Ashley said

"I remember the day that he asked me if he wanted to be my girlfriend, he was so sweet and very understanding about Emely and Aaron being part of my life" I said

"niall always had a thing for you" Ashley said smiling.

"Speaking of people always having a thing for someone... what is going to happen between you and Harry?" Vanessa asked

"yeah... now that Cibeles is out of the picture" I said

"selena!" Eleanor said

"I am sorry but is the truth! I dont get it when she was dating him back home she was super sweet and when Ashley arrived she turned all bad " I said

"you need to turn left" Vanessa said

"ok" I said and turned left.

"well... I think she got jealous of Ashley I mean they do have a history, Cibeles was a fan of him before they went out so I guess she knows about their past. You know how Directioners can get of stalkerish" Eleanor said

"Plus it was kind of my fault because I did kiss Harry and she saw us" Ashley said

"do you still have feeling for him?" Vanessa asked

"obviously! she kiss him V!" I said

"I know! But I mean would you consider going out with him?" Vanessa asked

"well... I mean I do have feelings for him but I need to focus on the divorce once I get back" Ashley said

"wow... we are actually adults now and we have to deal with adult shit..." Vanessa said

"I know right! Like dealing with your teenage daugther... I cant believe her but also I feel like something else is up and maybe it has to do with miley. I have seen some strange behavior between them" I said

"maybe is the fact that miley is dating Austin now" Eleanor said

"what!? when did that happened??" I asked

"I dont know when exactly but I was talking with Bella and she told me" Eleanor said

"ok.. now this is mind blowing... Miley and Austin... they barely know each other plus they live far away" Ashley said

"I dont even know how they are going to make that work..." Vanessa said

"and we are at the supermarket!" I said and turned off the car.


Hey guys, hope you like this chapter (:


1) Did you like that I made a chapter only of the "moms"? 

it feels weird calling them like that LOL

2) which is your favorite mom?

Answer these two questions so I can write the next chapter! (:

Not updating till I get 5 more votes and 5 more comments...

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