Chapter 52

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louis POV:

Eleanor and I are currently walking in to the court to see the case of the murder or Harry Styles.

"Mr. and Mrs. Tomlison please take a sit here" Our lawyer said.

We turn left and sat were he indicated us.

"everyone please take a sit" the judge said

Everyone did what he said.

"we are all here today to see case #6574 The murder of Harry Styles plus leaving Ashley Benson in critical conditions" the judge started to say.

Eleanor looked exausted and angry, she still couldnt believe that her cousin was capable of murdering. She knew that he had his issues but she would have never imagine that this would happened.

She zoned out for a moment...

"Eleanor honey, are you ok?" I asked her very concerned.

"yeah..."  She said looking at a wall.

"are you sure?" I asked

" yes, I am just very tired. I just want to get this over with..."  Eleanor said

I holded her hand.

"can the lawyers give me their evidence?"  the judge said

Ech of them went to the judge and gave them an envelope with some papers.

"Thank you"  The judge said.

She examine all of the content she was given.

"ok, please start with the case" the judge said

My lawyer stood up.

"well as we all know Harry Styles and Ashley Benson were taking a little trip. They were in a cab when all of a sudden it got hit leading them in very critical and bad conditions"  my lawyer said.

" do you have anything to say?"  the judge said to the other lawyer.

"with all due respect, it wasnt their fault" Their lawyer simply said

"are you saying that they werent responsible of this incindent?" tyhe judge said

"well..."  their lawyer started to say

"I object!" My lawyer interruoted.

"may we know why?" the judge asked

"well I have proff here of a shirt that was left on the premisses with Daniels DNA and a bracelette with Cibeles DNA" My lawyer said

"what do you have to say about this?" the judge asked their lawyer.

"My clients dint mean to kill Harry Styles or leave Ashley Benson in such conditions" Their lawyer said

"so your are not denying that they were in the scene?" the judge said

"well..."  their lawyer started to say.

"may I have premission to call someone to the stand?" my lawyer asked

"yes you may" the judge said

" I call Cibeles" my judge said

She stoop up and went to the stand.

"so... Cibeles you were Harrys girlfriend for some time right?" my lawyer asked

"yes" Cibeles said looking down.

"he broke up with you?" my lawyer asked

" yes" Cibeles said still looking down.

" he had feelings for Ashley and you knew it" my lawyer said

She stayed quiete.

"isnt true that you would have done anything to take him back and call him yours?!?!" my lawyer practiclally screamed at her.


"ok thats all thank you" my lawyer said.

"that doesnt mean that my clients kill him" their lawyer said.

"WE KILL HIM WE KILL HIM" Cibeles said crying

"I think I have enough evidence to clearly know that they are the ones" the judge said

"But.. " Daniel started to said

"no buts mr. Calder, I give you both 200 years of jail and the amount of 4,676,475,455 dollars" the judge said

"you cant do that to us!" Daniel screamed

"I just did, think before taking anothers person life. Case dismiss!" the judge said.

The police officers arrested Cibeles and Daniel, you could guess that this case was all over the news.

As soon as we got out of the court there were paparazzi waiting for us.

"Eleanor how does it feel to be blood related to the murderer?" Paparazzi 1 asked

"Louis how does it feel to not have Harry?" Paparazzi 2 asked

"How did it went in there?" Paparazzi 3 asked

I was trying to ignore all of them but I turned around.

"I am just going to say that we made justice for Harry"  I said and got in to the car with Eleanor.

She was crying silently.

I grabbed her hand.

"Its ok El, its ok..." I said and gave her a kiss on her forehead.


Sorry it took so long to update... hope you like this chapter (:

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