Chapter 48

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Louis POV: 

Eleanor and I went to the cafeteria that was in the first floor of the hospital. She sat down at one of the empty tables that had two chairs. I went to the counter.

"How may I help you?" A woman asked

"I would like 2 coffes, 1 banana blueberry muffin and 1 carrot muffin" I said

"that would be all?" the woman asked

"yes" I said getting my wallet out of my pocket.

"that would be $12.89" the woman said

"ok" I said and gave her the money.

Momments later a male gave me the food I order. I toke it and went to the table Eleanor was sitting. She had her head down and I could hear her sniffing. I set the stuff on the table and gave her a hug from behind.

"shhhh... El" I said and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

She was still sniffing.

"Everything is going to be ok" I said to her slowly rubbing her back.

She put her head up and looked at me. Her eyes were very puffy, I wiped some tears from her face. She just pulled me into a hug.

"I just cant believe that Daniel could had done something like this. I thougth he was behaving well, it has been 13 years or more since we kick him out of the house" Eleanor said once she was more calm.

"I know... But we just need to stay strong for Ashley. At least she survive" I said

"I dont know how you can do it, he was your best friend" Eleanor said

"It does hurt, I would be lying if I said it dint but we need to focuss on making justice right now" I said

"you are right" Eleanor said

"I got you coffe and a blueberry banana muffin" I said trying to cheer her up

"my favorite" She said smiling a little.

I sat down and we finish eating to go to the police office.

At exactly 4:00 pm. we arrived at the police station.

"how can we help you?" A police asked

"he is Louis Tomlison from one dirction, he is here for the car crash case involving Harry styles another member of that band" Another police officer said

"is that true?" The 1st police officer asked

"yes" I said

"I will need to see some sort of ID" The 1st police said

"ok" I said and looked in to my wallet and showed him my ID

"ok, you will need to follow him" The 1st police said pointing at officer Mikey.

"Is she with you?" Officer Mikey asked

"yes, she is my wife" I said holding Eleanors hand.

"ok then follow me" Officer Mikey said

We follow him in to one of the rooms.

When we enter we saw Daniel sitting down in one corner, he looked as if he dint do anything. On the other hand Cibeles was sitting down on the other side of the room with tears on her eyes, as soon as she notice us she started to talk.

"I am so so so sorry" she wispher repeatedly.

"you can talk to them if you want to" Officer Mikey said

"ok" I said

"I will be next to the door at all times and remember we have cameras watching everything that you are doing" Officer Mikey said

"Daniel what were you thinking!" Eleanor yelled at him.

"I wanted Ashley so badly that I wasnt thinking" Daniel said

"That still doesnt justify what you did! You almost kill her! You know that this is not the firts time in our lives that we had Ashley in the hospital like that!" Eleanor yelled again at her cousin.

"I dont know what to say" Daniel said

"you know what just dont say anything! Aunt has call me multiple times and I have been avoiding her calls because I dont know exactly what to tell her!" Eleanor said.

You could see on her face that she was very angry.

"mom... knows...?" Daniel asked in shocked

"Of course! Who do you think was one of the firts persons that the police called after I told her 2 of my friends were at the hospital in very critical conditions!" Eleanor said

"ohhh..." Daniel said and looked away from Eleanor.

"ohhhh? ohhhh!?!? All you have to say is ohhhh!?!?!" Eleanor said

"would you stop screaming at me" Daniel said annoy

 "uggggh!" Eleanor exclaimed and sat down on a chair.

There was a momment of complete silence.

"how is Harry...?" Cibeles asked

"Harry?" Eleanor asked looking at her in disbelieved

"yes... how is Harry?" Cibeles asked again

"he is no longer with us" I said

"what?" Cibeles asked

"he passed away..." I said

"what?" Cibeles asked again not wanting to believe what she was hearing

"YOU KILL HIM!" Eleanor screamed and started to cry

"NOOOOOO!" Cibeles yelled and fell on the floor crying.

"you bitch! you kill him! And Daniel I am ashame that we share part of the same blood you ASSHOLE!" Eleanor said between her crying.

I went over to Eleanor to try to calm her down.

"The time is up" Officer Mikey said

We went outside.

"So... are you guys going to press charges and turn them in?" Officer Mikey asked

I looked at Eleanor since one of them was her cousin.

"yes" she said


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Tell me what you think of this chapter, also if I start to write a story called "Kiss at 17" would you read it?

Is going to be a Romance/Teen Fiction

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