Chapter 7

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Aaron POV:

I threw a towel at Emely and went downstairs and sat down on the couch. I decided to watch Regular Show.

She was lucky that I was the only one in the house. Mom and Niall were at work and I think Harry took on a date Cibeles.

I love Emely she is my twin sister after all but she is just out of control. Ever since we started high school she changed big time. In freshman year she was accepted in the popular group when she entered in the Cheerleading squat.

I hate her boyfriend, mom thinks he is so polite and stuff but that is all an act. He is the captain of the futball team while I am the captain of the lacrose team. The asshole of Mahone thinks that the guys in the lacrosse team are pussy gays that dint made it to the futball team because we had no skills. 

He is a dumbass to play lacrosse you actually need more skills than to play futball that they are only throwing on top of eachother like monkeys.

I am Aaron James Malik son of Selena and Justin. My stepfather is Niall Horan he is a cool dude, he is also the father of my two little sisters and my little bro Mark.

My dad dint contact us after he got out of rehab and thanks to my awsome stepmom Ariana he is back in our lives.

I actually have a crush on Louis and Eleanors daughther her name is Bella Tomlison. She wants to be a model just like her mom. She has a beautiful smile and long wavy hair. She is two years younger than me. No one knows that I fancy her, we have been raise like cousins but we are not even blood related.

I went upstairs to see if Emely was ok.

"bubbles" Emely said giggling and pointed at the bathroom.

"what have you done?!"  I screamed

"shhhh...." she said putting her index finger infront of her mouth.

I went downstairs and grabbed a bottle of water and a sleeping pill.

Then I went back to Emelys room and gave it to her.

"here" I said

"pretty color" she said and took them.

Well... that should keep her relax for one hour.

I went to were mom kept the cleaning stuff and I cleaned the bathroom as fast as I could.

Then I went downstairs again and continue to watch Regular Show.

Momments later mom came in with my other 3 sibblings.

"hi Aaron" Selena said

"Hi mom" I said back

"were is Emely?" Selena asked worried

Here comes the lies... I really dont like lying to her.

"I think is her time of the month she really doesnt want to be bother right now" I said

"ohhhh... ok.... well I borught you food" Selena said handing me a bag of McDonalds.

"Thanks mom" I said taiking the bag filled with food.

Man I was hungry...

Ashley POV:

"you are late again" I screamed at Taylor

"I was at work!" Taylor screamed back

"yeah right! I can smell the alcohol from over here" I said

He just stay quiete.

"when I come back we are going to have a serious conversation" I said and grabbed my car keys.

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