Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

I've never been good at getting up in the mornings. I did get a little bit of sleep that night, but it was four hours at most, so I wasn't exactly happy when the morning light began to shine into the common room. I set my clocks early because I know I'm always late, so I knew that it wasn't really seven o'clock, but I still rushed to get ready.

By the time I got down to the Great Hall, I was actually early. The Gryffindors weren't there yet, as usual, but I was still able to find a seat next to Miss Jackson. Breakfast arrived a few minutes later, and as I took two fried eggs and a cup of tea, I wondered how I was going to tell Pete. He still wasn't in the Great Hall, so I had some time, but I did promise that I would tell him during breakfast. I hoped that he wouldn't react badly, and that he thought of me the same way that I thought of him.

Just thinking about moving made me realise just how in love with Pete I was. The move was taking me apart like bad glue on a get well card, but all I could think about was what Pete would think. He would be one of the things I would miss most, and even if this didn't work out, Pete would always have a place in my house of memories.

Miss Jackson was busy talking to Esteban, so I simply took a few more bites of my eggs and starting studying for my Transfiguration exam. I wasn't even paying attention when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I quickly turned around, almost spilling my tea in the process. Since I couldn't quite see who it was (his face was a little blurry), I adjusted my glasses.

It was Pete, and he wasn't wearing a shirt.

"Pete, what are you doing?" I said. "Put on a shirt."

Pete looked down. "Dragon bogies! I forgot my shirt!" he shouted.

"How do you remember your eyeliner and forget your shirt?" I asked.

"I don't know, but don't pretend that you mind the view," Pete said with a smirk.

I blushed and said, "I really don't mind. You look nice."

"Thanks Patrick, but I can go back to the common room and put on a shirt if you really want me to," Pete said. "Otherwise, I'll wait until after breakfast."

"You can wait," I said.

"Peter Wentz!" Professor McGonagall shouted. "Fifteen points from Gryffindor for not being dressed for breakfast."

Pete rolled his eyes. "Fine. I'll put on a shirt."

He started to head back towards the staircase, but I said, "Wait! Come back after you're done! There's something that I need to tell you!"

"Okay Trick!" Pete exclaimed. He came back a few minutes later wearing a shirt, a tie, and his robes, much to my disappointment. "So what did you need to tell me, Rickster?"

This was it. There was no going back now, but I was not afraid to walk this world alone. I took a deep breath and said it. "I'm moving."

"Where are you moving?" Pete asked. "If it's in Britain or Ireland, then it will be fine. You'll still go to Hogwarts, and..."

"I'm moving to Chicago," I interrupted.

"Chicago?" Pete said. "That's so two years ago. When are you moving?"

"At the end of the year," I said.

"So you're going to go to Ilvermorny for seventh year?" Pete said.

I nodded and glanced up at him. His face displayed a mixture of pain and sorrow. "I don't want to leave, but my mum and dad are really excited about it."

"I don't want you to leave either," Pete said. "I try to picture me without you, but I can't."

"I can't even imagine what life would be like without you," I said.

"I think we can make this work, Trick," Pete said. "We'll write to each other, and then once you graduate, you can live with me in England."

"That sounds amazing, Pete," I said. Then, I looked over at the clock. It was nearly nine o'clock already. "I have to get to class," I told Pete.

"Me too," he said. He gave me one last, longing look and said, "We'll carry on, Lunchbox," as he began to walk towards his first class. I started going in the opposite direction as Pete's words rang through my head. I was just a man, not a hero, but Pete was right. We would carry on. 

A/N: Over 500 reads and 100 votes on this book already, and Gerard Way and the Triwizard Tournament just hit 24K reads! Thank you so much everyone! 

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