Chapter 61

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Chapter 61

"What are we going to do?" I asked. The Death Eaters and their army of Inferi were rapidly approaching Hogwarts. There was no way that we could provide an effective defence if nobody in the castle knew what was happening right outside their windows.

"I-I don't know," Blurryface said. "Even with everyone in the car, we can't fight the Death Eaters by ourselves. There are just too many of them." He landed the car in the outskirts of the Forbidden Forest, but nobody knew what to do once we were on the ground.

"Let's kill tonight," Sandman said. He opened the door and ran towards the Death Eaters. Horseshoe followed him, along with a few of the freed prisoners. I looked around frantically, hoping for another way out. I was far too small for this - I might as well have been part house elf. If I did what Sandman did, I would have been killed almost immediately. I had to do something though, for both Hogwarts and my much braver friends. I exited the car and ran along the outskirts of the forest, still wearing my black ski mask. I then entered the castle while the others held off the prisoners.

I ran like the devil, because those Death Eaters would never leave me alone. I ran through the Great Hall and into Professor McGonagall's office. Thankfully, the gargoyle did not ask for a password. I entered the office, and breathlessly told Professor McGonagall, "There's an army of Death Eaters and Inferi approaching Hogwarts. Pete, Joe, and a few others are holding them off for now, but we need reinforcements as quickly as possible."

"I will inform the students," Professor McGonagall said. "Thank you for your help." She got up from her desk and followed me into the Great Hall. "Sonorus," she said, pointing her wand at herself. Suddenly, her voice boomed throughout the castle. "All students, please come to the Great Hall! All students, please come to the Great Hall!"

Within a few minutes, all of the students in the school poured into the Great Hall. A few of them had already noticed the army of Death Eaters and were talking about it. "Did you see all of those people in masks?" one first year said. "They're so scary looking. What are they doing here?"

All of the students took a seat at their respective tables, and Professor McGonagall began to speak. "Students, it's time to do it now and do it loud. The Death Eaters are just outside the gates to the school, and this is our only chance to defend the school. For your safety, I am only allowing students seventeen and older to participate in the battle, but we are in desperate need of reinforcements. Any student who wishes to participate may step towards the gates."

Nearly all of the sixth and seventh year Hufflepuffs did so, as did many of the Gryffindors, Ravenclaws, and Hufflepuffs. "If there's a future, we want it now!" Miss Jackson shouted with her wand raised in the air.

I followed them out of the castle, and as I did, I heard the clanking of suits of armour coming to life. "I finally got to use that spell again!" Professor McGonagall exclaimed. I looked back to see all of the teachers following us into the battle.

The situation on the battlefield was grim. As soon as we opened the gates, hundreds of Death Eaters and Inferi rushed towards us. I tried my hardest to remember how I was supposed to defeat Inferi, but thankfully, it came to me. "Incendio!" I exclaimed, pointing my wand at the nearest Inferius. It spontaneously burst into flames. I did a quick Flame-Freezing Charm in order to navigate my way through the battlefield, and I found Pete battling a Death Eater.

The Death Eater pointed his wand towards Mr Sandman. "Avada Kedav-"

"Expelliarmus!" I interrupted. The Death Eater's wand flew out of his hand, distracting him for one crucial moment.

"Stupefy!" Sandman exclaimed. The Death Eater fell to the ground, but more were approaching us. However, we had plenty of help from the other Hogwarts students.

Patrick Stump and the Flying Car BrigadeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora