Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

A few more days passed, and the My Chemical Romance concert was approaching quickly. In fact, it was the day before the concert when Tyler and Josh came up to me at breakfast. "Why are all my friends heathens?" Tyler asked Josh. "I know we're broken people, but it doesn't have to be this bad."

"I don't know Tyler," Josh said. "Oh, hello Patrick. We haven't talked in quite some time."

"Hi Josh," I said. I then looked up and saw that Joe, Andy, and Pete were there too. "What are you all doing here?"

"We're here to talk to you," Andy said. "Tyler and Josh had another crazy idea."

"It's not crazy," Josh protested. "We're just using the Flying Car to watch the Quidditch game tonight."

"That's a little crazy," I said. "How are you planning to do that?"

"We're going to bring all of our friends with us in the Flying Car, and then we're going to turn on the Invisibility Booster and fly it up next to the pitch," Tyler explained. "We'll have the best view out of anyone there!"

"I would definitely go with you, but I'm playing in the game," Joe said. "We're going to crush those Slytherins!"

"You can invite anyone that you want to come with us, Patrick," Josh said.

"I'm not so sure this is a good idea," I said.

"It's a hell of a feeling though," Tyler said.

I wasn't so sure. I just knew that something was somehow going to go wrong, but I agreed to the idea anyways for some reason. "Are you blokes going to the My Chemical Romance concert tomorrow?" I asked them, hoping to change the subject.

"Why wouldn't I?" Pete asked. "They're My Chemical Romance!"

"I'm going too," Joe said.

"I think all of us are going," Tyler said. "Are you?"

"Yes," I said. "I'm super excited. See you all there."

The Flying Car Brigade left me alone for the rest of breakfast, but I still had a bad feeling about this as I went to Potions, Charms, and Herbology. I wasn't entirely sure why. After all, we knew that the Flying Car was safe.

Class finished up early that day, so I met the rest of the Flying Car Brigade in the Great Hall, along with all of the people that Tyler and Josh had invited to come in the car with us. I looked around and was shocked by the sheer number of friends that those two seemed to have. Nevertheless, they started walking into the Forbidden Forest, and I followed them. Tyler started singing something about being down in the forest and singing a chorus that everybody knows, but I wasn't really listening. At some point, Miss Jackson caught up to me. "Patrick!" she exclaimed. "I didn't know that you were coming with us."

"I suppose I am," I said as I adjusted my glasses and climbed into the backseat of the car. Andy climbed in after me, followed by Andy, Miss Jackson, Mikey, and plenty of Tyler and Josh's friends. As expected, Josh and Tyler got the two front seats.

"You know I hate small spaces, large and open spaces, and grocery shopping," Mikey mumbled as one of the Gryffindor fourth years shoved him against the passenger door.

"It's not that bad," Dallon said. "At least your legs aren't being crushed!"

"That's your fault," Josh said. "You were the one who decided to sit in the back."

"How am I supposed to watch the game from here?" Teddy asked from the floor.

"We'll figure it out when we get there," Tyler answered. He hit the gas and the car roared to life. We began to fly into the air and then stopped when we reached the Quidditch pitch. I looked out the window. Tyler was right. This was a good view. I could see all of the players practising as well as the scoreboard. I spotted Pete carrying around his Beater's bat, and I tried to wave to him, but then I remembered that Pete wouldn't be able to see us.

The match started shortly after we arrived and at first, the teams seemed to be evenly matched. Everyone else in the car started commenting on the game almost as quickly as it began. "I wish that we still had Hayley as a Seeker," Josh said. "She was so much better than Thelma."

"Pete's still good though," I pointed out. "He's the captain now."

"Who's the Slytherin Seeker?" Dallon asked, desperately trying to get a view from the back.

"Geoff Rickly, owner of the ugliest broom known to man," Miss Jackson answered. "What is that, an Oakshaft 79?"

"Actually, it's a Cleansweep Five," Mikey corrected her. "It used to be mine."

"You're just proving my point," Miss Jackson said. "That thing's ancient. Most of the Gryffindors have Nimbus 2001s or Firebolts." As if to prove Miss Jackson's point, Joe flew right by the car on his Firebolt.

"It may not look great, but it's a nice broom," Mikey argued.

All of a sudden, Brendon soared towards the Gryffindor goalposts. Spencer tried to guard them, but it was no use. Brendon tossed the Quaffle right through the centre hoop. The score was now 0-10.

The Quaffle went to Gryffindor, so Kieran, Euphemia, and Maggie all attempted to get the Quaffle back to the other end of the pitch. Finally, Maggie managed to score, tying up the game. After that, the Quaffle went back and forth for a while with both teams scoring quite a bit.

The score was 60-80 with Slytherin winning when Euphemia threw the Quaffle towards the Flying Car. Thankfully, it missed, but Ryan Ross came chasing after it. In his attempt to dive for the Quaffle, he crashed right into the windshield of the car and fell to the ground.

"Is he okay?" Tyler whispered as we all looked down at Ryan. Several professors ran onto the pitch and brought the injured player to the Hospital Wing while the match continued above him.

Almost immediately after that, Kieran scored, quickly followed by Maggie. The score was tied, and Gryffindor's score just seemed to be going up. With only two Chasers, it was nearly impossible for Slytherin to catch up. Over and over again, the Gryffindors scored, and it only got worse once Joe took out one of Slytherin's Beaters with a Bludger.

The score was 230-80 when we got the first glimpse of the Golden Snitch. Both Geoff and Maggie instantly went after it, and we got to see just how good of a flier Geoff was. Maggie's broom was clearly faster, but there was no way that she could keep up with all of Geoff's twists and turns. In fact, it was another one of Geoff's swerves that managed to scoop the Snitch right up one of his sleeves.

"That was one impressive catch," Mikey said, watching the pitch in wonder.

"Yes, but Gryffindor still won!" someone else shouted.

All of the Gryffindors in the car cheered. Tyler hit the gas once again, and the car descended into the Forbidden Forest. "Nice work, Josh," Tyler said. "That was a huge success."

"It was your idea!" Josh exclaimed. "You need to give yourself more credit."

I climbed out of the car and took a breath of the forest air. It felt nice to get out of that stuffy car. As I walked back to the castle, I listened to Dallon complain about how much his legs hurt and wondered how Ryan was doing back in the Hospital Wing. However, I did agree with Tyler and Josh. Our latest adventure was a success. 

Patrick Stump and the Flying Car BrigadeWhere stories live. Discover now