Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

A few more days passed, and it seemed that the winter holidays were just around the corner. I had chosen not to stay at Hogwarts over the holidays, so that day was the last day of the term for me. I would be boarding the Hogwarts Express after breakfast that day.

As I walked across the Great Hall to the Hufflepuff table, I heard voices. Most of the Gryffindors and Ravenclaws were excitedly talking about their plans for the holidays, but the Slytherins were just messing around. "Mikey, you really should just go out with Moaning Myrtle," Brendon said. "It might solve your relationship problems."

"What relationship problems?" Mikey asked. "I'm single!"

"That's your problem right there," Brendon said. "I'm sure Myrtle would be interested."

"I'm not interested," Mikey said as he adjusted his glasses. "She's, like, twelve."

"She actually died when she was fourteen," Brendon said. "I did my research. Anyways, she's eighty if you count the years since she died."

"That's worse!" Mikey exclaimed.

"It evens out," Brendon said. "Just consider it."

"Leave me alone," Mikey said, taking out a huge textbook. "I need to finish my Care of Magical Creatures homework."

I walked past their table and sat down with my fellow Hufflepuffs. I then took out a piece of parchment and a quill and began to write a letter to my parents.

Dear Mum and Dad,

I'm writing this letter and wishing you well, but I need to inform you that I will not be home until later tonight. Pizza Con is in London this year, and Pete really wants to go, so I am going with him. I will use Side-Along Apparition to get home, and we will be back at around 9 o'clock.



As I finished the letter, Miss Jackson tapped me on the shoulder. "What is it?" I asked.

"You won't believe what was in the Daily Prophet today," Miss Jackson said as she put the newspaper down and looked up at me. "There was an Azkaban breakout. All of those Death Eaters are on the loose!"

"That can't be right," I said. "The Aurors are always on guard there."

"My godfather is an Auror," Teddy remarked. "He said that they took out one of the weaker Aurors and broke out. They're trying to hunt them down now."

"I'm scared," Esteban said. "What if they come to Hogwarts?"

"I hope they don't," Miss Jackson said. "I read about how terrible the war was in History of Magic, and my mum is Muggle born."

A knot of worry began to form in my stomach. Those Death Eaters were bound to come for us at some point. I could only hope that the Aurors would lock them up again soon.

I looked around and it seemed that everyone else had seen the news too. Everyone was looking for relief when Professor McGonagall suddenly stepped up to the front of the room. "Silence, please!" she exclaimed. "Some of you may have seen in the Daily Prophet that there has been a mass breakout from Azkaban. Unfortunately, this is true. The Death Eaters have in fact escaped."

All sorts of noises floated around the Great Hall, from students screaming at Professor McGonagall in disbelief to others whispering their worries to their friends. "I understand your fear, but there is no need for it," Professor McGonagall said. "Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry has a top-notch security system, and the Auror Office is hard at work locating the missing Death Eaters. At the moment, there is no reason to panic. We are safe here, but please be wary if you're travelling during the winter holidays. Enjoy the rest of your breakfast, and again, have a safe and happy holidays."

I finished my breakfast and then found Pete at the Gryffindor table. "Maybe we shouldn't go to Pizza Con," I told him. "The Death Eaters could get us, and neither of us are pure-bloods. We're going to be targets."

Pete laughed. "Were you listening to McGonagall?" he said. "She said that there was no reason to panic. We're still going to Pizza Con, no matter what."

"Okay Pete, but if we get killed, it's not my fault," I said.

"We'll be perfectly fine, Pattycakes," Pete said. He took one last gulp of pumpkin juice, and then said, "I'm ready to go."

"So am I," I said, smiling. "Let's go."

The two of us walked through the snow to Hogsmeade Station. Most of our classmates were going home too, but a handful, including Joe and Andy, were staying at Hogwarts for the holidays. I had stayed at Hogwarts for Christmas during my fourth year, but that was because of the Yule Ball. Every other year, I had gone home.

The scarlet steam engine arrived a few minutes later, and Pete and I boarded it. During the whole ride, Pete couldn't stop talking about Pizza Con, but I was more worried about the news I had heard. Maybe it was just my paranoia, but I was terrified. After all, the sharpest lives were the deadliest to lead. 

Patrick Stump and the Flying Car Brigadeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें