Chapter 56

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Chapter 56

At dinner that night, things got even stranger. Geoff and Mikey were being adorable at the Slytherin table, while Tyler was rapping for some reason at the Gryffindor table. Meanwhile, I quietly ate my dinner, hoping that I could have a peaceful evening at last.

Of course, that didn't happen. When Teddy came to the table, he promptly handed me a letter. "This is for you," he said.

I skimmed over the letter, and it appeared that Teddy had made a mistake. The letter said that it was for a girl named Enoby. "This is for Enoby, Teddy," I said. "She's the second year Slytherin with the ridiculous goth outfit that I can't believe that Professor McGonagall hasn't yelled at her for yet..."

"I know," Teddy said. "I got this from her. She's completely insane. Just read the letter. It explains everything."

I sighed and started reading the letter, still convinced that Teddy Lupin had made some sort of horrible mistake.

Deer my presious Enoby Dark'ness Dementia,

I need you to leve Hogwarts now. It just isn't saf anymore for u, espeicalyy since Vlodemort and the Death Deelers have arrrested or killed several members of our estended family. So, I am sendin you to live with your uncel in France.

Ive herd that dere is a Flyin Kar Brigad afctive at your school. Please pas this letter on to dem, and c if u can get a ride. The flyihg car would be far safer than leaving sholl with da bfoomstick.

Long live teh goffs!

Lotz of love,

Your favourite Mummy!! <3 <3 <3

The first time I read the letter, my only thought was that it was now very clear where Enoby had gotten her awful spelling skills from. I had to reread the letter four more times to figure out what exactly Enoby's mum was trying to say.

Finally, I deciphered it. Enoby's mum wanted us to fly her daughter to France in the flying car. My first instinct was to say yes. If I was going to be a part of the Flying Car Brigade, we had to use our powers for good. I took out a piece of parchment to write a reply back to Enoby's mum reassuring her that we would, in fact, be thrilled to take Enoby, before I started to have second thoughts. This is Enoby we're talking about, I told myself. She's a basket case. The Flying Car Brigade wouldn't be able to stand the several hours we would have to spend in the car with her if we were to do this. I put the parchment away, and decided to ask the rest of the Flying Car Brigade later about the situation.

The next day, we had the opportunity to go to Hogsmeade, but only a few (mostly pure blooded) students took it. Life in the murder scene was too dangerous for most of us, so we stayed behind in the library. That day, I found all of the rest of the Flying Car Brigade joking around in the library.

"You know, Brendon called our record 'dope' before he left," Pete said. "It even got played on the Wizarding Wireless Network once."

"That's glorious," Tyler said.

Josh sighed. "I wish that Professor McGonagall would let us Muggle borns go to Hogsmeade," he said. "If we could, then I would send the new Twenty One Pilots song to the Wizarding Wireless Network."

"Hi everyone," I said. "How are you all?"

"Professor Slughorn is giving us far too much Potions homework," Joe complained.

"He's only trying to prepare us for our NEWTs," Andy said.

"It's still too much," Joe said.

"I got this from Teddy," I said. I put the letter on the table, and the rest of the Flying Car Brigade read it.

"No way," Pete said. "I am not interacting with Enoby more than I have to. That girl is insane."

"I agree," Andy said. "Both Enoby and her mum are clearly crazy."

"I can't believe that both of them are related to Gerard," Josh noted. "Gerard's not like that at all."

"Genetics are strange, especially in pure blood families," Joe said.

"The Way family is so messed up," Pete said. "Mikey's dead, Gerard and Mikey's parents are dead, I think their grandmother died too, and now Gerard's in prison. That's not even considering the rumours that I heard about Gerard's cousin's kid."

"What did you hear?" I asked.

"It's just a silly rumour," Pete said. "Gerard's cousin married Draco Malfoy, and someone said that their son Scorpius wasn't really their kid. A lot of people think that he's really Voldemort's child."

"That's bogus," Tyler said. "I can't believe that anyone would actually believe that."

"It is ridiculous," Pete agreed.

Josh sighed. "Maybe it would be best to help the Way family out, even in this small way."

"I guess I can put up with Enoby for a few hours," Joe said reluctantly.

"Me too," Andy said.

"I'm okay with it," I said.

"Do we have to?" Pete asked. "Enoby is really annoying."

"Yes," Tyler said. "It's for Gerard."

"I will come back to life, but only for Gerard," Pete said. "This isn't for Enoby. I still haven't forgiven her for calling Trick a stupid prep."

I had nearly forgotten about that incident, but Enoby deserved a second chance. I continued to speak with the rest of the Flying Car Brigade about what to do with Enoby. We agreed to fly Enoby to France later that day. Hopefully, we would be back before dinner.

A few hours passed, and it was time to find Enoby. However, she turned out to be somewhat difficult to find, so I used the Marauder's Map to track her down. I watched her as she entered the Slytherin Common Room on the map, and then explained the situation to Ryan Ross and asked him for the password.

"Champagne for my real friends, real pain for my sham friends," he said.

"That would be such a good name for a song," Pete said. He and I went down to the dungeons, and Pete said the password. The entrance to the common room opened up, and we entered the room. "I think she's in this coffin," I said as I found Enoby's location on the Marauder's Map. Pete opened the coffin, and sure enough, Enoby was sleeping inside.

"Wake up, Enoby," I said.

"Go away, prep," Enoby mumbled.

Maybe this isn't such a good idea, I thought. Nevertheless, this was something that I had to do. I took a deep breath and spoke. "We're in the Flying Car Brigade, and we're here to take you to France." 

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