Chapter 65

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Chapter 65

The first day of finals arrived. I didn't see Pete, or any of the other seventh years for that matter, at all that day, since they were all busy taking their NEWTs. I was terrified that Pete wouldn't do well, especially since I hadn't even gotten a chance to wish him good luck. I had studied with him the night before the exams, and he was still struggling with Charms and Transfiguration. At the very least, his experience with the Flying Car Brigade would serve him well in Defence Against The Dark Arts.

My first exam was in Defence Against The Dark Arts. As usual, I was seated next to Gabe Saporta. "It's really too bad that Patrick and Pete got back together," he said to Miss Jackson as he took his seat. "I was wondering what Patrick tasted like."

"He tastes like you, only sweeter," Miss Jackson said.

Gabe pondered this for a few minutes, and was about to say something when Professor Howell began to speak. "Hello Internet...I mean, class!" he said. "I hope all of you are ready for your sixth year Defence Against The Dark Arts final exam. I sure wasn't when I took mine back when I was in sixth year. Good luck!" He passed out the exams, along with Anti-Cheating Quills. "Circle the correct answer on the multiple choice questions, and complete the essay at the end. I will call you up one at a time to complete the practical portion of the exam."

I opened the test and began to work. The first question was simple enough.

Which spell would be most effective against an Inferius?

A. Shield Charm

B. Killing Curse

C. Snake Summons Spell

D. Fire Making Spell

Remembering how I defeated the Inferi during the battle, I circled D. The next several questions were quite easy as well, and the essay was fairly simple. I just had a hard time focusing on the exam. I couldn't stop thinking about how Pete was doing on his NEWTs. I hoped that his tests were as easy for him as mine were.

It turned out that the practical portion of the exam was easy too. Professor Howell asked me to resist a hex nonverbally, which I had mastered early in the year. By the end of the exam, I was certain that I would get at least an E in Defence Against The Dark Arts. However, I still had five more exams that I had to take, and I wasn't nearly as good in Potions as I was in Defence Against The Dark Arts.

Herbology was my next exam, but I had a break before that. Brendon had a break as well, so I talked to him. "How do you think you did on the Defence Against The Dark Arts exam?" I asked.

"I don't know," Brendon said. "I didn't understand half of what was on the exam, but that's probably because I haven't been to class since February. Spencer offered to tutor me over the summer, and I might take his offer."

"You should do that," I said. "It would be nice for you to get caught up before you start seventh year."

"That's what I was thinking," Brendon said. "Besides, Spencer is rather good looking. I wouldn't mind him helping me study."

"Brendon, you're not Gabe Saporta," I said. "You don't need to flirt with everyone you come across."

"Sorry," Brendon said. "I've just been lonely since Miss Jackson broke up with me. I think I'm over her now though, although I've promised her a place in my house of memories."

"There's no need to apologise," I said. "Just do your best on the exams, and don't worry too much. Everything will be alright in the end."

Brendon nodded. "I'll try that," he said. "Good luck on the rest of your exams, Patrick."

"Good luck to you too, Brendon," I said.

I went to the library to study for my Herbology exam. After perusing through Flesh Eating Trees of the World, I realised that I would probably do fine on my Herbology exam and decided to take a quick nap instead.

I woke up two hours later and ran into the greenhouses to take my Herbology exam. I took Charms later that afternoon. Thankfully, neither exam was particularly difficult, and unlike the seventh years, I was well rested and mentally stable when I arrived at the dinner table that evening.

Pete, on the other hand, was panicking. "I must have failed my Potions exam!" he exclaimed. "I put an extra ingredient in my Draught of Living Death! I'm going to get a Troll!"

"Pete, you can't get a Troll unless you were purposely trying to fail," I said.

"I'll be the first then," Pete said. "Nobody will hire me because I'm as dumb as a troll, and all of the mothers will raise their babies to stay away from me."

"Don't be silly, Pete," I said. "It's just one exam."

"It's one very important exam!" Pete exclaimed.

"You still have more to take, and you'll do better on those," I said.

"I should just make a Wit Sharpening Potion," Pete said. "That might help."

"Studying would help too," I said. "It's really punk rock."

"I don't care if it's punk rock," Pete said. "I'll only do it if it's emo."

"Studying is very emo too," I said.

"Great!" Pete exclaimed. "I'm off to go study!"

Pete finished the last few bites of his pizza and then ran off to the library, leaving me by myself at Hufflepuff table. I wasn't entirely certain that he wasn't running off to reapply his eyeliner instead of studying, but it didn't matter. It was at that moment that I realised that I wouldn't have Pete with me at the dinner table next year. I would be by myself like this every day.

I hadn't even left Hogwarts yet, and I missed Pete already.

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