Chapter 58

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Chapter 58

The Flying Car Brigade used the next few weeks to recover from the experience of driving with Enoby Dark'ness Dementia Raven Way. All of us were glad that she was finally gone, and from what I could see, most of the school was glad that she was gone too. Several second year Slytherins came up to me and thanked me for taking her out of Hogwarts. "I'm so glad that I can finally study for my final exams in peace!" one girl said.

I was behind on my studying, but how could I focus when there might be something outside my window? It seemed that I would just never know, but the situation outside of Hogwarts did seem to be getting worse. As far as I could tell, Ray was still doing fine, but Gerard was still in prison, and there were hundreds of Muggle borns and political prisoners that were also unjustly imprisoned. The Death Eaters were still in control of the Ministry, and they were committing new atrocities with each passing day. Horrible rumours about what they would do next floated around the school, but no matter how much I tried to ignore them and focus on my studies, the thought of being captured haunted me. I couldn't shake the thought that I might be next.

One moderately cool June day, Pete decided to hold a Flying Car Brigade meeting by the lake. "I've got to feel the wind chill again before I get old," he explained when I asked him why he had to hold the meeting outdoors. Even in the summer, Scotland was a cold place.

The six of us all met up on the shores of the lake. "Why are we here again?" Joe asked as he played around with his guitar for some reason.

"I have an idea," Pete said.

"I thought I was the one who ponders of something great," Tyler said.

"You think far too much of yourself, Tyler," Josh said.

"You're out of the band for saying that!" Tyler shouted.

"No, you're out of the band!" Josh replied.

Pete ignored them. "I was thinking that we could go to Azkaban and help the prisoners escape," he said.

"That's far too dangerous, Pete," Andy said. "You should know that."

"It's worth it," Pete said. "We need to rescue all of those people who were wrongfully imprisoned."

"I agree with Pete," Joe said. "This might be the only way we can help Gerard."

Andy sighed. "You're right," he said. "It doesn't matter if we get hurt. We need to do what's right."

"I hope this works, Pete," I said. "Your idea is completely mad, but it just might work. Besides, we've got nothing left to lose. Tyler? Josh? What do you think?"

"No Tyler, you're out of the band!" Josh exclaimed. Clearly, they were still arguing.

"Were you even listening to any of that?" I asked.

"No, but Josh is out of the band!" Tyler said.

"You can figure out who is in Twenty One Pilots later," I said. "We were talking about rescuing prisoners from Azkaban."

"That's a great idea!" Josh exclaimed. "Tyler? Are you as excited as I am?"

"Probably not, but I do think this is a good idea," Tyler said. "I think we should be concerned though. Not all of us can defend ourselves against Dementors."

"All of us seventh years can teach you," Andy said. "It's somewhat difficult, but I think you can handle it."

"Somewhat difficult?" Joe said. "I can barely do the Patronus Charm at all."

"I've only conjured a corporeal Patronus once," Pete said.

"You're not helping," Andy said. "To cast the spell, you start out by moving your wand in a circular motion." Andy demonstrated, and the rest of us followed him. "Then, you say the words 'Expecto Patronum,' and you think of your happiest memory."

I thought of my first day at Hogwarts and said "Expecto Patronum," but nothing happened. I looked around, and saw that Tyler, Josh, and Joe also were not having any success. Pete was able to create a burst of white vapour, and Andy was able to conjure a bright white monkey. It seemed that my Patronuses were just as bad as my Apparition, although I was able to Apparate once during the last lesson. Now that I was seventeen, maybe I would be able to take the test to get my licence soon.

I tried again, this time while thinking of the time when Pete forgot to wear a shirt to breakfast. "Expecto Patronum!" I said. A burst of vapour shot out from my wand, but nothing else happened. Pete, meanwhile, had created a corporeal Patronus again. A few seconds later, Tyler smiled and shouted, "I did it!" Sure enough, a pine marten was dancing around his feet.

I decided to attempt the spell a third time. I took a deep breath and focused on the day that Pete and I got back together. "Expecto Patronum!" I said, and finally, the vapour began to form into the shape of a rabbit.

"Nice job, Lunchbox," Pete said, giving me a quick kiss.

"Thanks Pete," I replied.

We continued to practice, with the seventh years teaching us a few more methods for defending ourselves against the Death Eaters and Dark creatures that inhabited Azkaban. Even though we weren't all able to cast a Patronus, everyone learned something from our time together. After about an hour, we went back into the castle.

As usual, I was a little bit worried. If something went horribly wrong with Pete's plan, then I would have nobody to blame but myself. I could never forgive myself if I hurt someone that I loved. However, we were doing something to help the innocent prisoners, and that was better than what we were doing before. For once, I was proud of the Flying Car Brigade. We finally had an opportunity to make some real change in the wizarding world, and there was no reason not to seize that opportunity.

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