Chapter 64

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Chapter 64

The day before finals started, Harry Potter finally came in to talk to the seventh year Defence Against The Dark Arts students, and Pete would not stop talking about it. "I've wanted to meet Harry Potter ever since I came to Hogwarts!" he exclaimed. "I even tried to sneak into the Defence Against The Dark Arts classroom when he came two years ago."

"Tell me what he says," I said. "I've always wanted to meet Harry too."

Harry Potter had certainly had an exciting year. He had spent most of our school year chasing after Death Eaters, but when the Ministry burned down, he went into hiding. He had led the Aurors during the battle. Now that the Ministry was being rebuilt, Harry was back in the Auror Office.

During Pete's Defence Against The Dark Arts period, I had Transfiguration. That day, Professor Lester simply reviewed the material for the final. I knew that I still needed to practise my Bird-Conjuring Charm, along with human transfiguration. Dallon, on the other hand, seemed to be doing fine. In fact, all of Brendon's friends seemed to be doing better now that he was back.

At the end of the period, I practised my Bird Conjuring Charm. "Avis," I said, but nothing happened. I tried again, and I was still unsuccessful, so Professor Lester came over to help me.

"The wand movement isn't quite right," Professor Lester said. He showed me how to do it, and I copied him.

"Avis," I said, and the spell worked. A flock of yellow birds shot out from the tip of my wand. I then did a Vanishing Charm on each of them.

Someone knocked on the door that connected the Transfiguration and the Defence Against The Dark Arts rooms. Professor Lester opened the door, and a man with green eyes, unruly black hair, round glasses, and a lightning bolt scar walked into the room. "Hello Harry," Professor Lester said. "How are you doing?"

"A lot better, now that the Death Eaters are gone," Harry said. "Congratulations on marrying Dan. You two really are a cute couple."

"Thank you," Professor Lester said. "I feel like Dan and I should have another ceremony though. I barely remember our wedding day."

"You should, and I would be honoured to come," Harry said. He then turned to the class. "Thank you for defending Hogwarts when the Death Eaters attacked. You made my job as an Auror much easier, and on behalf of the Auror Department, I would like to thank you for your bravery."

"Thank you for sending reinforcements," Professor Lester said. "We couldn't have possibly succeeded without you."

"It's our job, Phil," Harry said. "I would especially like to thank the Flying Car Brigade. I don't know if there are any members of the Flying Car Brigade in this class, but I was especially impressed with their courage, loyalty, and readiness to do what is right for the wizarding world."

I didn't want to draw any attention to myself, so I stayed silent. Harry and Professor Lester talked for a few more minutes, and then Professor Lester told us that we could go to our next class. However, there was something that I needed to do before I went to Potions.

I went up to Harry once everyone else was out of the room. I was about to leave Hogwarts for good, so it was time to erase myself and let go. "I need to talk to you," I said to Harry. "I have something that you might want."

"What is it?" Harry asked.

I dug through my pockets and pulled out a piece of parchment. I tapped my wand on it and said, "I solemnly swear that I am up to no good," I said. The Marauder's Map appeared on the parchment.

"Where did you get that?" Harry asked.

"I got it as a gift from a friend, but that doesn't matter now," I said. I gave the map to Harry. "This belongs to you."

"Thank you," Harry said. "I lost this last year, and I didn't think that I would ever get it back."

"It's my pleasure to return it to its rightful owner," I said. "The Flying Car Brigade made good use out of it, but three of us are graduating, and I'm transferring to Ilvermorny."

"Are you in the Flying Car Brigade?" Harry asked. I nodded. "What is your name? I'm trying to get the Ministry to give all of you an Order of Merlin, First Class, but I can't do that if I don't know your names."

"I don't need an award," I said. "The six of us helped serve the wizarding world, and that is enough for me."

"Are you sure?" Harry said. "If other people knew what you did, then you would surely be remembered for centuries."

"Heroes always get remembered, but you know legends never die," I said. "You can ask the others, but I don't need a medal to remember what I did."

Harry shrugged. "Okay," he said. "I suppose we will meet again someday."

"I hope so," I said. "So long and goodnight, Harry."

"So long and goodnight," Harry responded, and I walked away. Finally, it seemed as if life was back to normal. In just a few days, I could forget about everything that had happened, but until then, I had to deal with finals. I was glad that the Marauder's Map was back to its rightful owner, but that was only the first step in wrapping up my Hogwarts career. There were many more goodbyes that needed to be said, and that was one thing that I was definitely not looking forward to, but returning to Chicago would be a welcome break from all of this madness, and nothing they could stay would stop me from going home. 

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