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"Troye what are you doing in my room?" A thirteen year old Sage asked her three year old brother who was looking up at her with innocent and bright blue eyes.

Sage eyed the messy red lipstick scrambled across Troye's cheeks and looked around at the heap of Disney princess frocks which she had worn when she was young.

She glared at Troye, placing her hands on her hips and looking at the tiny head of curls who was gripping on to a silver tiara on his little fingers.

She knelt down, to get levelled with Troye and then placed her perfectly manicured nails on the toddler's shoulder who was scratching the mop of brown curls and pouting.

"Give the tiara back, Troye," Sage said as she gripped onto Troye's tiny wrist which had already started forming a blue bruise.

Troye's eyes widened as he looked at his sister with those puppy dog eyes, the grip onto the tiara getting more firm.

"No," Troye whimpered as he lost his grip and Sage snatches it from him and then caressed it gently.

Troye frowned, feeling tears form at the crinkles of his eyes which were fixed at the silver tiara.

Sage smiled as she gently wiped off the tears and the smeared red lipstick from Troye's chubby cheeks.

Troye looked at her with hopeful eyes as Sage smiled at him softly, her lips gently curving upwards and radiating a warmth.

"Why are you crying, boo?" She asked the toddler, letting out a small chuckle as she ruffled his hair and then adjusted the tiara on his mop of curls.

She tucked a curl behind the tiara and then cupped Troye's face, kissing his forehead while looking at how pretty her little brother looked in the yellow Belle dress, his hardly there collarbones getting more prominence.

She held his hand and brought him in front of her mirror, gently placing her chin on the toddler's shoulder who stared at his reflection in the mirror.

Troye reached out his stubby, little fingers and touched his reflection on the mirror, his eyes lighting up on seeing the  tiara perfectly perched on his set of curls.

His lips grew into a wide grin as he blushed slightly, watching the smile appear on his sister's reflection too.

"P-Pwetty?" He asked to the reflection with a small giggle.

Two arms engulfed him and wrapped him in a toasty blanket of warmth as his sister replied, "Prettiest."

And that's how Troye knew about his first love - Disney.



There's gonna be lot of fluff, updates will be short and sweet and often :-)

I am quite excited to get this started.

Its gonna be a short book and I also decided to change the age of Sage and Troye a bit. :D

Goodbye everyone, take care and have a nice day :-)

Salut! Xx

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