Chapter Eight™

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Sage was silent for sometime looking at her brother who was willingly looking up at her.

"Its quite a mature word for a kid like you, who told you about love?"  Sage asked as she drove ahead, her hair blowing softly in the beautiful breeze which had settled all around as the sun was setting.

"Con con said this to me while we were watching Cinderella. He said that Cinderella and the prince were in love and that's why they kissed and that too on the lips," Troye said as he did tiny hand actions and different expressions. He seemed amused by all this.

"Well, uhm, love is you know its... Love unbridled is a volcano that burns down and lays waste all around it: it is an abyss that devours all--honour, substance and health," Sage answered as she just ran her hand through her soft hair.

Troye looked at her in horror and surprise, his mouth wide open and his blue eyes shining like the entire universe because he clearly was too young to understand what his sister had just said and his eyebrows crinkled up in distress.

"I don't get what you say," Troye said bluntly, folding his arms across his chest and pouting while curling up his hair and thinking about anything yet everything.

Sage chuckled as she ruffled Troye's curly hair and said,"You would get it as the time passes by, kiddo. Don't worry. Simply love is like a cigarette which we all smoke at some point in our life. We know that its dangerous and it's gonna destroy us but we still go after it like fools but its okay."

"What's a cigarette?" Troye asked, still not able to understand the true concept.

Sage just smiled and said to him, "you are small, Troye. There are so many years ahead of you. You will come to know about everything eventually, kiddo."

"You always tell that," Troye sighed dramatically, his face leaning against the glass window as he looked at the trees that were scattered on the side of the roads.

"Sage do you love me?" Troye asked as he looked up at Sage again, his lips pressed together and eyebrows almost disappearing up on his forehead.

"Yes of course I do, I love you a lot," Sage said as she ruffled Troye's curly hair again.

Troye pouted and immediately swatted her hand away before snorting and saying, "Don't destroy my hair again, Sagey. I know you love me but that doesn't mean that you would mess my hair up."

"Ahem, princess Troye. As you wish, my majesty," Sage joked around and smirked before ruffling Troye's hair again just to tease him and pull his leg.

"Noooooo Sagey, my prince Charming will fight you!" Troye said and glared at Sage who wiggled her eyebrows and then asked him,

"Okay, so little princess Troye has a Prince Charming too? Who is it? Is it Con con?" Sage asked while smirking.

"No, its Jacob." Troye said smiling.


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