Chapter Twenty Three™

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The next morning was different for Troye.  Sage did not wake him up at the regular time she used to and Troye frowned as he felt the sunshine in his eyes,  blinding him. 

He hopped out of the bed,  his legs tripping over the bag that was tucked under his bed.  Troye creased his eyebrows as he looked at the bag and with great difficulty removed it out.  Being the inquisitive little bug he is,  he opened the bag up and he let out a rather joyful gasp on seeing the beautiful and colorful pieces of soft fabric stuffed in the bag. 

"They are so pretty," Troye said,  smiling as he ran his fingers through the soft fabric.  He pulled out a blue coloured satin gown and quickly changed into it,  tying a beautiful white ribbon around his waist messily.  He also got his lip gloss and pressed his lips together to apply them on his lips before he looked at his reflection in the mirror with a wide grin.  The gown had lace around it's edges and it somehow gave a more ethical feeling which Troye loved truly.

He quickly skipped downstairs to go and show Sage his new attire.

He pushed open the door as he called out,"Sagey!"

But no reply came back and as Troye searched around the room, he was confused to see that Sage was nowhere. Absolutely nowhere.

Troye frowned, looking around again when his eyes spotted the door of the bathroom. It was slightly ajar and somehow the room seemed to have a weird vibe around it. Troye took small steps and advanced towards the bathroom.

He reached over, a slight foul smell filling up his nostrils as he covered his nostrils and scrunched his nose up in utter disgust.

He slowly pushed the door as it opened and his eyebrows furrowed together as he saw Sage, in the bathtub, covered in blood red water and her hair soaked. Her head was thrown back against the bathtub and her lips were blue as her lifeless and cold body remained submerged in the light crimson water.

"Sagey?" Troye questioned softly, feeling his heart almost stop at the sight of his sister as he held onto her icy cold limp hand, pressing it gently and supressing his sobs as the tears rolled down his cheeks. There was no reply as Troye's sound elongated in the bathroom.

"Sagey, please."

Still no reply.

Troye held onto her hand with his tiny ones as he said, "Look, I wore a satin gown. Its so pretty, right?" Troye said as he twirled around, the tears making his throat a little hoarse as he hiccupped quite often.

"Sagey, please, say," Troye said with continuous sobs as he wiped up his tears and looked at her with hope before whispering for the last time ever, his tiny fingers laced with Sage's longer yet cold ones.

"Pretty?" Troye asked as softly as possible, his eyes not leaving Sage's face.

And when he still got no reply, he hugged Sage's dead body and cried. The blue colour was stained with  crimson and Troye's heart ached and he felt as if someone was trying to crush his chest with a heavy stone as he cried just to ease the pain.

Just to let it all out of himself.

Now, there was no one left for Troye who would call him the prettiest.

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Two chapters left and it's almost 1 am here yikes

Ily take care xxxx

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