Chapter Seventeen™

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Jacob tugged Troye upstairs with him, the two clumsy boys smiling and giggling as they made their way to Jacob's bedroom.

The door was brown in colour and had a spiderman sticker on it. A piece of paper was taped to the centre of the door with a note which said 'Danger: Do not entre >:' written in a scribbled handwriting.

Jacob pushed the door open and he was met with a room full of action figures and small doraemon soft toys.

The room was lilac coloured with a contrasting white wall which contained a bookshelf. Many origami swans were hanging from the ceiling like colourful little stars and Troye just stared at them in awe.

It was just so beautiful.

"Its so beautiful," Troye said as he softly padded on the wooden floor.

"It is?" Jacob asked, giving Troye's hand a gentle squeeze which made Troye feel all warm and adorable inside as he just nodded while blushing.

"Wait, I am gonna show you something," Jacob said as he hurried down, leaving Troye's hand and Troye felt a little disappointed in the absence of the warmth surrounding his palm.

Jacob dug into a drawer beside his bed vigorously before he produced some pieces of paper and held them behind him so that Troye would not be able to see them.

"No, close your eyes, Tro," Jacob said with a soft giggle.

"Why?" Troye asked, tilting his head to the side and trying to see what Jacob was hiding from him.

"Just do it, please?" Jacob pleaded with puppy eyes and Troye finally gave up, gently closing his eyes.

"Do not peak, okay?" Jacob asked.

"I won't," Troye assured, squeezing his eyes shut tighter.

"You can open them, now," Jacob said and as Troye opened his eyes, Jacob smiled, pointing at the drawings that he had arranged on the floor.

"Did you make them?" Troye asked, tracing over the drawings which were only done in blue color.

"Duh," Jacob chuckled as the two boys sat down on the floor, their legs in squatted position.

"They are so pretty," Troye said as he saw the drawing of a blue flower, a blue heart and the most beautiful one, a blue pair of eyes. They were no here near professionalism but to Troye, it was perfect. It was different and it somehow made his heart fill up with joy.

"And blue... Just like your eyes," Jacob complimented, his hazel eyes immediately meeting the blue ones and his hand going up to push Troye's hair out of his face as if it was some reflex action.

Troye blushed, his body immediately freezing as he just seemed to get lost in his own wonderland.

"You know Tro?" Jacob asked as he took Troye's tiny hand and laced their fingers together in a perfect fit, placing it near his chest as he continued,

"You make me feel things, in my heart. You make my heart shake, bend and break and I like it. It makes me happy and I don't know what it is but you make me happy, you are my princess," Jacob said, his six year old vocabulary being  too limited to explain his exact feelings.

Troye was silent, his hands against Jacob's heart as he felt his own heart shake, bend and break.



"I feel the same. And you are my prince, right from the start," Troye said gently tracing the drawings and blushing.

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Okay, so kids usually forget and forgive because they are innocent and full of love and secondly, no, CONNOR IS NOT AN ASSHOLE, kids are jealous and he just doesn't wants to lose his friend

Also my country is one of the top ten homophobic and anti lgbtqa+ countries LIKE YAY!!! How much fun!!1!1!

No wonder I'm scared to even come out here to anyone in general

Anyways, I hope you all have a very nice day, ily all

Please take care, lots of love xx

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