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Note : Connor irl is in no way such a dickhead. And I bear no hatred towards him. For the sake of the book, his character is pot rayed like this. Irl, Connor is a precious and beautiful angel with the most wonderful and caring personality and he is a small little baby who should never be hurt and always protected

Thanks x

Also, I double updated yesterday so read chapter twenty five before this chapter thanks

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It was prom night.

Troye  stared at the black tuxedo in front of him.

He sighed sadly, taking the tuxedo in his hand and trying to wear it but Jacob's words kept on ringing in his ears.

He was confused.  But he knew that Jacob was right. He also knew that Connor would be mad if he wore something else than the tuxedo.

After half an hour of rethinking his decision,  he finally made up his mind.

He went up to Sage's bedroom, the bedroom which had been closed for thirteen hours and he slowly opened the old wooden door which creaked loudly as Troye thanked god that his mother was not at home.

Or else she would have made such a scene out of it.

All the memories came flooding back to Troye and he felt nostalgic but he quickened his step towards the old purple wardrobe which was enveloped in dust and spider cob webs.

Troye slowly opened the cupboard, different and beautiful dresses in front of him displayed as a small smile lingered at the corner of his lips, his eyes getting their little spark back.

Troye could not help but touch the soft fabric and feel revived as he browsed through the dresses, soft and pretty.

His eyes landed at a blue one with lace and he smiled softly, taking it out of the wardrobe  and sniffing the beautiful vintage scent of the old dress.

And for the next hour,  he did what he had wanted to do for so long. He missed this. He missed this so much.

And he could feel the weight pressed down on his chest lighten slightly.


Troye took a deep breath as he entered the school auditorium where the prom was being held, the sound of faint piano and violin reaching his ears.

He straightened his dress and his tiara as he held the black matching tuxedo in his hand, his heart beating fast.

As he pushed the door open, he heard a loud gasp and continued whispers. He felt self conscious but he remembered Jacob's words and held his head high, trying to not trip as he walked with the silver high heels.

"Troye, what the fuck is this?" Connor said to Troye  as he approached him with a drink in his hand.

"This is just who I am," Troye  smiled softly.

"Seriously, so you are a freak? What are you a girl now?" Connor asked with a venomous spit as he jabbed Troye's chest.

"No, I am a boy. A Disney boy. And here, take this tuxedo,  I don't need that," Troye said as he returned the tuxedo back to Connor and Connor just gawked at him with wide eyes.

The other people in the auditorium didn't bother much as they went back to their own thing. It's not like anyone even cared about Troye. Troye had only one friend which was Connor and he barely ever talked to Jacob.

"You know what? This is so disgusting.  Please don't ever come near me again. This is really so disgusting," Connor said as he stormed away, shaking his head and pursing his lips.

Troye sighed  and went back to the snacks and drinks section to get something to eat.

He sat down in one of the stools gloomily and drank a mojito  watching all the other people dance or at least associate with each other.

Troye felt a hand on his shoulder and a very familiar voice ask him, "Wanna dance, Princess?"

Troye turned around to the very familiar voice and his heart stopped for a second as he stared into those pretty hazel eyes and that precious little smile plastered on his face as his body was enveloped in a beautiful white tuxedo with a black tie, his hair messy and disheveled.

"Why not?" Troye said as he took Jacob's hand and a blush crept up his cheeks.

And they slow danced to the music, giggling often as Jacob made stupid little jokes.

"You know what?" Jacob asked, cupping Troye's face.


"You always were so beautiful, Disney boy," Jacob said.

"Really?" Troye blushed redder.

"Uh huh," Jacob agreed as he pressed his forehead against Troye's who was looking up to him.

"And I always wanted to do this," Jacob said.

"Do wha-" before Troye could even finish his sentence, his words were muffled by Jacob's slightly rough yet full lips meet his.

And Troye said nothing.  He just melted into the kiss.

It was perfect.

It was like the dream he had when he was young.

He was Cinderella. And Jacob was Prince Charming.

And they would live happily ever after.

A tale as old as time.

• • •



also, I hated potraying  Connor like this but it was just for the benefit of the plot.




- JO

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