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Monica's POV

Kurisutaru & I were officially part of beacon academy, and we were currently entering Beacon Academy's giant auditorium, filled to the brim with people.

Everyone kept talking amongst themselves, until a middle-aged man with tousled silver hair, thin brown eyes, wearing shaded glass spectacles and a mug bearing the Beacon Academy emblem on it came onto the stage. The male cleared his throat, to signal to everyone that he was going to speak. Everyone quieted down, and the male with a mug began to speak.

"Greetings everyone, I am professor Ozpin....I'll... keep this brief. You have traveled here today in search of knowledge, to hone your craft and acquire new skills, and when you have finished, you plan to dedicate your life to the protection of the people. But I look amongst you, and all I see is wasted energy, in need of purpose, direction. You assume knowledge will free you of this, but your time at this school will prove that knowledge can only carry you so far. It is up to you to take the first step...." The male named 'Ozpin' finishes speaking and leaves, before a  middle-aged woman that has very light-blonde hair tied back in a bun, with a curl hanging down the right side of her face walks onto the stage.

"Hello students, my name is Glynda goodwitch But you all may refer to me as, professor goodwitch....You will all gather in the ballroom tonight; tomorrow, your initiation begins. Be ready. You are dismissed...." And with that, 'Glynda' also leaves the stage.

As soon as Glynda & Ozpin left, everyone began to leave the room and chatter amongst themselves again.

"Well, professor Ozpin seemed a bit off, don't you think?~" said a voice from behind me.

I turned to see Hebi smirking at me. "Hebi!!" I hugged him, hearing a growl coming from Kurisutaru.

"What are you doing here, snake....I thought I killed you already!!" Kurisutaru yelled.

Hebi chuckled. "I'm attending beacon of course, and you didn't kill me, you merely knocked me unconscious...."

"I guess next time, I'll kick you even harder...."Kurisutaru said, narrowing his eyes at Hebi.

I only giggled at the two, who were bickering amongst themselves.





Night had fallen, and we were told to meet in the ballroom. Kurisutaru & I were currently setting up our sleeping bags, because we had to be in a team of 4- to share a dorm room.

I was currently wearing a white night gown, while Kurisutaru wore a black vest, with matching trousers....

Kurisutaru sat on his sleeping bag, and began to read a manga book, while I sat next to him. "Whatcha reading?" I curiously asked Kurisutaru.

"A manga...." Kurisutaru answered, bluntly.

I puffed my cheeks out. "I can see that, but what is the manga called?"

"It's called, 'wolf children'...."Kurisutaru stated, still reading his manga.

('Wolf children' is an actual movie/anime and it is a real manga, so I recommend you guys to watch it!!)

", what's it about?" I questioned, tilting my head a bit.

"It's about, a young girl who falls in love with a werewolf and has two half-wolf children with him. Soon after, their father is killed while hunting food for the children, and the girl has to take care of the children all by herself- and hide them from the world...." Kurisutaru explained.

"But why does she have to hide them from the world??" I asked.

"Because she is afraid what people may do if they found out that her children were half human-half wolves...." Kurisutaru smiled sadly.

"Oh....well that sounds depressing...." I looked away.

"Yeah, but it's also interesting." Kurisutaru chuckled.

I giggled, as Hebi came out of nowhere and greeted us. "Hello~" Hebi sang, while hissing.

"Oh no, not you again...." Kurisutaru groaned, putting his manga away.

"What do you mean "not you again"?!" Hebi snapped.

"I mean, why aren't you somewhere else, far away from Monica & I!?" Kurisutaru yelled.

"What? It's not my fault that, Monica stands out so much~" Hebi smirked.

"I stand out in a good way, or a bad way?" I questioned Hebi, who seemed to completely ignore me.

"Either way, go somewhere else!!" Kurisutaru yelled again.

"Rude....and what's your problem with me, I'm only trying to be nice!!" Hebi argued.

"You're a hazard to mine & Monica's health!!" Kurisutaru argued back.

I merely rolled my eyes at the two males bickering for about 4 more minutes, then I broke up the fight and males sighed, before giving each other a death glare.

Hebi hissed at Kurisutaru before walking off, and Kurisutaru growled at Hebi. "I can't believe you know that snake, Monica...." Kurisutaru mumbled under his breath.

I chuckled in response. "It's not my fault he knew who I was, when we went to signal academy!~"

"We should have never went to signal academy then...." Kurisutaru smirked, reading his manga.

I punched Kurisutaru playfully. "Don't say things like that!!"

Kurisutaru chuckled. "I'm just Kidding!!"

I smiled. "Well get some rest, okay??"

"Okay." Kurisutaru agreed, as we both went into our sleeping bags & fell asleep.

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