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Monica's POV

We had arrived at the ramen shop, and Hebi was currently ordering our meals, while Kurisutaru and I were finding a table for 3 people to sit at....

We had found a table so we sat down, and waited for Hebi to come back with our meals.

Kurisutaru growled. "Lady Monica, I don't see why Hebi has to tag along with us. Just because we're a team doesn't mean he can go wherever you and I go."

I merely chuckled softly. "Kurisutaru, you and Hebi- both need to learn to work together....I mean what if dusk and I were no where to be seen? You two would have to work together just to find us, wouldn't you?"

"I guess you're right...." Kurisutaru sighed.

"Therefore, you two need to get along-" I was cut off by someone yelling from the left side of me. I turned to see Weiss and dusk, Weiss was yelling at dusk for....I don't even know what reason.

"Oh god, it is her...." Kurisutaru mumbled.

I'm not sure but I think Kurisutaru woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning, well....Hebi did wake everyone up so....

Anyway, I called Weiss and dusk over to us and they almost immediately walked over to us. "What's wrong, why are you yelling, Weiss??" I questioned.

"Dusk has dropped yet another meal on the filthy floor, that I had just ordered!" Weiss fumed, stopping her feet on the ground like a 5 year old child.

"Why didn't you just eat at the shop you had ordered your food from, instead of ordering take away?" Kurisutaru questioned bluntly, his eyes half closed.

"Because I don't want to eat that the shop, I want to eat in my dorm room!" Weiss argued.

"It's not only your room you know, it's 3 other peoples' room as well." Kurisutaru stated.

"Yeah- well- ugh! You know what I meant!" Weiss yelled kuri's face.

"No, I don't know what you meant. And please stop yelling in my face before you get slapped." Kuri's eyes turned into slits as he glared at Weiss.

"You wouldn't dare slap me!" Weiss snarled.

"Oh yeah, try me." Kurisutaru smirked.

Weiss was about to get out her Myrtenaster, however she soon realised that she had left it in her dorm room. Kurisutaru smirked and pointed his katana towards Weiss' neck and Weiss put her hands up in defeat.

"I'll get you next time, come on dusk we're leaving!" Weiss sighed and began to walk off.

"C-can I-I s-stay h-here f-for a little w-while?" Dusk weakly smiled.

Weiss stopped in her tracks and glanced towards dusk. She was about to say "no" however, Kurisutaru made a face that would scare off a thousand grimms and I made a puppy face towards Weiss.

She was mostly afraid of what kuri would do if she said "no", so she just said "don't stay too late" and walked off.

"Yes!!" Dusk fist pumped.

"So I guess we'll have to find a table so that four people can sit at it." Kurisutaru stated, smiling.

"Let's sit over there!" Dusk pointed towards a huge table with four chairs around it.

Kurisutaru and I nodded in approval and we all sat at that table. "I can't believe you stood up to Weiss like that." Dusk looked down towards the floor.

Kurisutaru glanced at dusk. "Well, she's not even scary, she's just annoying as hell." Kurisutaru smiled. "I would have smacked her, if she kept yelling in my face."

I only giggled. "Yeah, Kurisutaru isn't short tempered, but when it comes to someone he dislikes then things will go down."

"O-oh...." dusk smiled.

At this moment, Hebi came over with our meals, however he stopped when he saw dusk. "Am I....ordering ramen for her as well?"

"....Yes please...." dusk stated quietly.

"Okay, well what type of ramen do you want?" Hebi asked.

"Shoryu ramen please...." dusk whispered, but loud another for Hebi to hear.

Hebi nodded. "Okay...." he walked back into the shop to order another plate of ramen for dusk.

"So....! The sky looks nice and clear today!" I yelled out randomly.

Kurisutaru turned to face me. "Why are you so random?"

Dusk chuckled. "Yeah, that was random!"

"I'm sorry, it's just that there's nothing to talk about." I chuckled nervously.

"Fine, then why don't we talk about the tournament?" Dusk stated.

"The tournament?" I questioned, tilting my head in confusion. "What tournament, how comes I wasn't notified about it?"

Kurisutaru chuckled. "That just shows that you were not listening when professor goodwitch was giving the notice about the tournament, which will be taking place in 8 months time.

I made an 'O' shape with my mouth  and turned away embarrassed. Dusk and Kurisutaru- both explained to me about the tournament, what schools will be competing, and how we have to train as hard as we can to win the tournament for our school.

About 5 minutes later, Hebi came back with dusk's ramen bowl and we all finally started to eat.

'I can't wait for the tournament to begin in 8 months!' I thought to myself, smiling and looking at at the sky.

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