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Monica's POV

I finally know the cat-Faunus as, 'brass' and the tail-coated female as, 'lilac'.

We were all currently heading out of the forest and into another abandoned area of structures, as the Nevermore followed us from the sky. We spread out when it passed us from above, concealing ourselves behind some of the stone pillars, while the nevermore perched itself on a high column and screeched.

"Well, that's just great!" Hebi said, in an irritated tone.

Sepai looks behind her, at the Death Stalker bursting out of the forest, ripping trees from the ground in the process.

"Ugh man, run!" Sepai yelled, as all of us emerged from our hiding spots, causing the Nevermore to rise up into the air.

"Vlad, distract it!" Kira yelled at Vlad.

Vlad nodded in response, running out from behind the pillar and jumping through the feather projectiles that the nevermore had launched at him, before he turned his mechanical arm into a gun and started to shoot at the nevermore, causing it (the nevermore) to retreat. Vlad is unaware of the DeathStalker rushing up behind him, until Dusk and kira perform a cross-slash with their weapons against its' shell. Brass lands next to Vlad, while putting her arms around his waist, and  leaping to safety- while Dusk and kira are now being chased by the deathstalker.

"Go, go!" Lilac stopped running beside Hebi and got out her weapon- which is a butterfly-knife pistol. Lilac began to fend off the deathstalker, along with Hebi- who began to throw his shurikens at the creature for a second until it reached them and tried to swipe them, prompting the group to run again.

All of us raced over to the ancient stone bridge, not noticing the Nevermore closing in on us until it used its' giant wings to shatter the path right in the middle, forcing Me, Kurisutaru, Vlad and Sepai closer to the central collection of columns and dusk, Hebi, kira, and Lilac were on the other side with the Death Stalker. "Wind!!" I yelled, making my scythe-blade colour change from red to white.

I slashed my scythe in the nevermore's direction, trying to forcefully blow wind at the retreating Nevermore, while dusk was beaten back by the scorpion.

"Oh man, we need to help them!" Sepai Said, coming over to the edge of the Broken bridge.

"Let's do this!" Vlad fist pumped, as he ran next to Sepai.

"Yeah, but, uh...I don't think I'll be able to make the jump." Sepai laughed nervously, looking down at the misty abyss.

Vlad smiled diabolically at Sepai, laughing as he turned his mechanical arm from gun form, to his normal hand form- grabbing sepai by the neck part of her Chinese dress, and putting enough strength in his arm to fling Sepai to the other side of the broken bridge- while standing back a little bit and jumping to the other side of the bridge as well.

"No, no, no, no, no, no!!" Sepai screamed, being thrown into the air and onto the other side of the broken bridge.

Vlad smirked, jumping into the air and landing a punch right in the center of the Death Stalker's skull. Vlad turned his mechanical arm into gun form, and fired it just as the stinger was going to come down to get him. Vlad blasts back again to avoid its' reach, accidentally knocking into Dusk and making her fall from the edge.

Dusk saw the Nevermore above her and used her fire dust from her weapon (shade-fang) to explode, and launch herself upward, leaping onto the aerial Grimm's back. She dashed all over its body, slashing the entire time, before jumping off and landing on the ruined platform at the top of the columns next to Me, then going over to Kurisutaru and Hebi.

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