Chapter 3 : Kiss

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Juliette's Point of View

I tossed the paper towel in the trash can as I exited the bathroom. I was stopped by a guy with a smile so bright I could see it even in the darkness of the club.

"Hey there." He smiled looking me up and down. Smooth dude.

"Hi." I smiled taking in his baby blue eyes and poofy blonde hair & rather impressive amount of chest hair.

"Wanna dance?" he asked as 'Kiss' by Prince & The Revolution started.

Well, he got right the the point.

I wasn't much of a dancer but looking into those eyes, I swear he could have told me we were going to murder a puppy and I would have done it.

"Sure." I smiled, taking his hands and backing onto the dance floor.

His hands were rather rough, I looked down at them and they had various calluses on them. He noticed that I was looking at them.

"I'm a drummer in a band." He smiled proudly backing his way onto the floor.

Maybe those 4 other guys he was with are apart of the band.

We made our way into the center of the floor, he placed my arms around his neck, his hands stopped at the middle of my back. We swayed to the music. You would have thought because he was a drummer he would have some sort of rhythm but he didn't in the slightest.

I leaned in closer to his ear.

"What's your name?" I asked.


"Nice to meet you Steven."

"And what's your name?" He mimicked my action by leaning close to my ear.

"Juliette." I said, he smiled back at me. This guy was super cute.

"Beautiful name for a beautiful girl." He said, I couldn't help but laugh and he did as well.

"That was so lame of me. Sorry." He said between chuckles.

"It was cute." I smiled sincerely.

Kiss by Prince had long since finished and then The Rolling Stones cover of 'Just My Imagination' started. Steven pulled me closer, I rested my on his chest. His chest vibrated as he hummed along to the song.

After a couple more songs, we made our way back to the bar. Cindy was wiping down the counters. "Can I get you something to drink?" Steven offered. I was sure he was talking about something alcoholic. I politely declined. We just sat there talking about nothing in particular.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw Cindy chatting up some red head. "Ax is determined to get with her." I turned my head towards Steven.


"Axl, he has been trying so hard to get with her. It's sad, he usually gets them pretty quick." Steven said taking a drink.

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