Chapter 8 : This Boy.

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Juliette's Point of View.

The past couple of days were uneventful. I hung out with Steven a lot and Slash was still very adamant about me touching his snake, i however wasn't keen on the idea. I got to know the other guys fairly well too. Izzy and I seemed to click very well, Axl was very much into Cindy. I hadn't really seen the either of them in the past couple days.

Today was Friday.

I slid into the quiet coffee shop that I agreed to meet Duff at. The guys at been busy rehearsing for their show tomorrow night. I was really excited to see them play, just watching the way every single one of the guys eyes light up as they talked made me even more excited.

I ordered a plain coffee for myself and a sprinkle donut for Duff. I glanced over my shoulder at the clock sat on the wall, I agreed to meet him at 2:00pm. It was currently 2:05, I laughed to myself.

Duff was never on time for anything growing up, looks like much hasn't changed.

I picked a booth that was tucked away in the corner of the dimly lit coffee shop. I tapped my foot along to the music that was softly flowing through the shop.

That boy took my love away.
Though he'll regret it someday.
But this boy wants you back again.

I heard the 'ding' of the bell above the entrance signaling that someone came in and I looked up and I saw Duff scanning the moderately decent crowd of people for me. I smiled to myself. He stuck out like a sore thumb. I waved my hand and it caught his attention, He looked at me and a slow smile made it's way onto his face.

This boy wouldn't mind the pain.
Would always feel the same.
If this boy gets you back again.

I continued to hum as he made he way over to the booth. He took off his jacket and tossed it over the back of the booth and sat across from me.

"Hey, thanks for meeting me here." He smiled at me.

"I got you a donut." I smiled, "I know you don't like coffee like that." I continued.

"Thanks, I appreciate it." He said taking a bite out of the donut.

We both just kind of looked at each other.

We both went to talk, of course at the same time.

"Go ahead." I said looking down at the cup of coffee that occupied the space between my hands.

"I know you are with Steven but.." He started. I raised a eyebrow, this was not the conversation that I intended on having with him.

"Duff, that's not what we are suppose to be talking about." I cut him off.

"Well. If you let me finish I was going to say, before we started talking I needed to ask a favor of you." He said smiling.

"Go on.."

"I know you are with Steven but, I was wondering if you would pretend to be with me tomorrow."

I wasn't following this conversation at all.

"Now, why would I do that?"

"Because there is this girl i've been trying to get with. But she hasn't paid me any mind." He said, I had this weird feeling in my stomach.

"You want me to help you make a girl jealous?"

"Exactly. Please? I promise I'll be nice and I won't touch you or anything. Stevie knows about this plan too and he is cool with it." He said.

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