Chapter 7 : Truce?

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Duff's Point of View.

I gotta stop drinking my problems away.

I'm learning that it doesn't solve anything.

Groaning, I rolled over looking at the clock sat on my bedside table. 4:45am. Jesus Christ, I am not going back sleep any time soon. I rolled out of the bed leaving the blonde girl, Mandy , who I had started seeing recently. I grabbed a pair of shorts from off the ground.

I walked out to the living room and saw Steven laid out on the couch. Maybe he didn't make it back to the room and decided to crash on the couch. I made my way into the kitchen, I opened up the fridge while I searched for a cup. I turned around and I was greeted with the presence of something, rather someone.

"Holy Shit." I felt myself jump out my skin seeing Juliette sitting at the counter.

"Sorry." She mumbled.

"Why are you still here?" I said but immediately regretted it. It sounded a bit harsh.

"Steven asked me to stay over. But trust me I said no, I didn't want my presence to bother you." She snapped. I stared at her for a second, something was bothering her.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"I am fine." She said getting up, I made my way to standing in front of her. I put my hands on her shoulders to keep her in place.

"No you aren't talk to me." I said looking into her eyes.

I knew this was probably really odd considering the way our friendship has played out recently but I was determined to get that friendship back.

"Duff, what happened to us? I know we weren't anything before you left. But now it's just like everything is tense when I am around you." She said.

I was ready for her to say a lot but I wasn't ready for that. I tried to think of a excuse, some extravagant story to make her believe that I was incredibly busy living out my dream.

But the harsh reality is, I was barely making ends meet. I was working shitty jobs and I had no money. This band literally saved my life.

"Juliette, it's because life happened." Was all I could say.

She just looked at me.

"I couldn't contact you because I didn't know when I was going to be able to use a pay phone because I didn't have money, I was living in public housing working the worst jobs ever and getting fired left and right." I started, I paused to take a breath. "I, for some reason in my head thought that you had made new friends in college, like you didn't need me anymore. But then when I saw you here and you told me you gave up on your dream I thought about how I almost did so many times." I don't know where this is going. But everything I was saying felt right. Maybe I wasn't making sense. Who the hell knows, I am still hung over.

"Duff, I'm sorry."

"It's okay, you didn't know." I smiled.

I continued with my little speech.

"I think you moving here was something inside you telling you that you didn't want the life you were going to have if you finished college." I said, she nodded.

"Duff. I just missed my best friend so much." She said, for the first time in a while she wrapped her arms around me and hugged me.

"I missed you too." I said rubbing her back.

"I know things are kind of awkward since I am involved with your bandmate. But I would still love it if we could go back to how things were." She pulled away smiling at me. Despite these weird feelings I was having for her, I couldn't put my friendship with Steven, Juliette or the future of the band in jeopardy.

So, despite the conflicting feelings I was having in my head. I decided to take one for the team.

"Of course, it will be nice to have a little bit of home here in LA." I smiled, although it wasn't a lie it wasn't exactly the truth either.

"I'm so glad we finally got to talk everything out." She said patting my back before walking back into the living room with Steven.

She turned back, "Hey Duff."

"What's up?"

"I'm glad you lost the blue hair. You look cuter as a blonde." She laughed before she kept walking.

I smiled to myself.

Well at least we are talking now, this is a start.

Juliette's Point of View.

Cindy and I sat on the couch as the guys argued over which models in the magazine were hotter.

"Elle Macpherson is not hotter than Cindy Crawford." Axl argued.

"Cindy Crawford has a gigantic mole on her face." Steven argued.

"It's a mole, not herpes." Slash countered.

"But that thing is just sitting on her face, it's like a waste. I wanna pick it off." Steven sighed.

"I feel like I'm losing major brain cells listening to them talk." Cindy said shaking her head.

"You and I both." I said getting up.

I hadn't seen Duff since our little talk last night.

"I think I'm going to head out." I said, the whole room turned and looked at me.

"Aw, okay." Steven said getting up and walking me to the door.

"I'm sure glad we got to hang out. You should come over more the guys love you." Steven said bouncing up and down like a hyperactive puppy.

"I will, I'll call you later." I said pulling him in for a hug. I really did like Steven. He pulled back and planted a kiss right on my lips.

We heard cat calls and whistles from everyone who could see us from the living room. Steven gave them the finger and I laughed pulling him in for one more hug.

"See ya." I said walking out the door.

I walked down the apartment hallway before I ran into Duff.

"Hey! I was just heading out, I am glad I got to see you before I left!" I smiled at Duff who smiled back.

"Have a good one." He smiled walking past me, I could feel his eyes on me. I decided to keep walking.

"Hey Juliette." I turned around, "Come to the troubadour, Saturday night and you can see what I've been busting my ass for over the last year." He winked.

"I'll be there." I smiled.

"I'll see you there." he said walking away.

I smiled to myself, I don't know if I was more excited to see them perform or just more
excited to have an excuse to see Duff again.

Either way, Saturday couldn't come fast enough.


yo yo yo.
I'm updating really quickly so I can get to the plot.
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