Chapter 17 : Promise?

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Juliette tossed her bag onto the table beside the door along with her keys. Kicking off her shoes she sighed happily. She knew what her and Duff did was wrong but she couldn't help but feel giddy about it. She quickly went to her room changed into a pair of pajamas and retrieved a shoe box, she sat cross legged on her couch.

Picture after picture.

Memory after memory.

She pulled out a old flyer for a band called "The Fartz." she giggled at the childlike name as she gently placed the flyer to the side. Under the flyer was a polaroid. Duff had a cigarette hanging out his mouth . While Juliette, was standing in front of Duff smiling at whoever took the photo.

Juliette patiently waited outside the venue for signs of her friend. She wrapped her arms around herself to keep warm.

"Yo, Julie!" She turned and was met with the beautiful smile of Duff. She took off in a full sprint to him. He dropped his drumsticks and held his arms open for her to throw herself into.

"You guys were amazing!" She squealed like a proud mother. "Thanks for coming out, I know this isn't really your scene but I truly appreciate it." He said placing a cigarette in mouth. She smiled up at him, she was so proud of him for getting out there and doing what he loved. They let go of each other and just smiled at each other.

"Ayo, lovebirds!" One of Duffs band mates shouted. Duff didn't budge but Juliette turned to the side and was met with a polaroid camera in her face. She smiled as Paul Dana took their photo.

Juliette was pulled from her thoughts as she heard a knock at her door. She glanced at the clock and wondered who would be here at almost 5am.

She opened the door and was of course met with Duff.

"Duff, what are you doing here?" she asked rather confused. He didn't say much just stepped closer, Juliette could faintly smell the alcohol on his breath. "I want to divorce Mandy."

Juliette pulled him into the apartment. "Duff, you are drunk."

"Not really, I wasn't too drunk to follow you home." He said as she sat him down on the couch.

"Excuse me?"

"Never mind."

He looked down at the floor in the living room where all the pictures were laid out. Something in particular caught his eye.

"You kept this?" he said as he picked the picture up out of the box.

Juliette laughed as she took the embarrassing polaroid from Duff.

"We had a strange friendship." Juliette laughed before gathering up all the polaroids and closing the box. Duff didn't say anything he sat back on the couch watching Juliette move around her living room.

"So, want to explain why you are in my living room at 5am?" She smiled sitting back down near Duff.

"I couldn't stop thinking about you." He said without hesitation. Juliette's heartbeat leapt into her throat as she struggled to find words.

"Jules look, I meant what I said. I don't want to be with Mandy anymore. I want you and only you." he said taking Juliette's hand and kissing the back of it.

Juliette was sure she resembled a fish because all she could do was open and close her mouth.

"What are you thinking?" He asked.

"You are crazy. It's 5am, you just told me you want to leave your wife for me. Not to mention you followed me home, which isn't creepy at all." Juliette said now standing and pacing around the room. She stopped in front of Duff with her hands on her hips.

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