Chapter 13 : Don't Cry.

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Duff's Point of View :

I really wish Steven would close the blinds, this sunlight mixed with a hangover is brutal. I rolled from my back onto my stomach and tried to fall back asleep. Suddenly the door opened, I could really see who it was but all I know is I wanted them gone.

"Get the hell out." I said covering my head with my blanket.

"That's no way to talk to a lady McKagan." Juliette said sitting on the edge of my bed. I sat up to quickly, I felt incredibly light headed. "Shit." I groaned rubbing my temple. "Are you okay?" She asked nervously. "Just hung over babe, I'll survive." I said standing stretching and getting up to go to my closet. I searched for a pair of basketball shorts to wear.

"Oh, Okay good." She said messing with the loose string on my blanket. "What brings you over here? Date with Steven?" She laughed sadly, "No, Steven and I aren't actually seeing each other anymore." To say I was shocked would be a understatement. But as terrible as it sounds I finally had a chance with her.

"How come?" I asked, "If you don't mind me asking?" I couldn't look so desperate. "Just wasn't working out." She said. I could tell something was on her mind. I sat down beside her."What's on your mind?"

"Did you know Steven was on drugs?" She said bluntly. Of all the things she could have said, I don't think that was what I was expecting. "Uh..Yeah." I said unsure of where exactly this conversation was going. "I should have known." She mumbled.

I realized that drugs was probably a deal breaker for her. That kills any chance I might have with her. I hope she doesn't question mine or any of the other guys habits.

"I thought I got away from that crap when I left Seattle." She said. "Sadly that shit is everywhere here." I said to her, moving my hand to her leg. I am pretty sure I was pushing my luck.

Jesus Christ Duff, she just got out of a relationship.

But the relationship lasted only a month.

"You don't do that stuff do you?" She said looking up at me. her eyes were glazed over with tears. I couldn't lie to her, she deserved better than that.

"I-I do." I answered honestly. I felt her body stiffen under my hand. Next thing I knew I felt a warm tear drop onto my hand. She was crying.

I dropped to my knees in front of her.

"What's wrong, why are you crying?" I said using one hand to wipe the tears from her cheek. "You guys are so stupid." She said pulling away from my touch. "That stuff kills people, and you guys are out here doing it for shits and giggles. Do you want to die?" She said standing up walking towards the door.

"C'mon on Jules, It's just a little smack. It's not going to kill me." I said, I probably was being to casual about this.

"You don't get it." She said wiping tears off her face.

"Help me understand." I said desperate, i feel her slipping further and further away from me.

"I've seen too many people die from this crap. I am not going to watch someone who is really important to me just waste away over a stupid decision." She said reaching for the door, I grabbed her hand.

"Look, we aren't being stupid okay." I said running out of things to say.

"You don't get it. You really don't." she said walking out of the room.

Jesus Christ.

I watched as one of the single most important people just walked out of the door and possibly out of my life.

Juliette's Point of View :

I should have never moved here.

My life has become one of those stories of the girl who hopelessly chases after her first love only to be left heartbroken.

I knew I should have left after my conversation with Steven. Like Duff he was so casual about it. These guys are idiots and I am not watching them throw it all away. I walked out of the apartment without saying a word to anyone.

The walk home was long and lonely. I just wanted to go back to Seattle and forget about everything.

Upon arriving home, I noticed Cindy wasn't here. I went to the kitchen to get a drink and I noticed a note taped to the fridge.

'Went out on a date. Will tell you about it later. - xo Cindy.'

I smiled to myself, she is probably out on a date with Slash. I recall him being on the phone with someone before I left. I hope things work out for them, I feel like she will be able to handle it better than I could.

I went into my room, I flopped down on my bed. Today has been an emotionally draining day. I collected myself and made a phone call i swore to myself i wouldn't make.





"Hi Dad."


Dun dun dunnnnn.

hello hi, long time no post.

I figured I would skip over the actual conversation but i managed to add it in here without going into full detail. So! what do you think is going to happen?

I hope this doesn't suck to bad! I should be posting alot more often now!

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Wishful Thinking {D.M.}Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang