Chapter 12 : You Could Be Mine.

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Juliette's Point of View :

It's been about a week since the show, I haven't really talked to the guys. I was too busy with Cindy, who though she says she is okay I can tell she is pretty upset about the whole Axl thing. I haven't gotten a chance to speak to Steven or Duff either.

I laid on my bed trying to decide if I was going to call Steven and asked him what did he take that left him in the state i saw him or just ignore the whole situation.

My phone started ringing, i didn't know who was going to be on the other end of that phone. I let it ring a couple more times before i just picked it up.

"Juliette?" Slash?
"Slash? Hey."
"Are you busy?"
"Not really, what's up?"
"Steven wants to know- ow! I mean, I want to know if you wanted to hang out. He-ow! hit me again and i swear to god- uh anyway I haven't seen you in a few days." he stuttered out. I couldn't help but laugh.
"Of course, Just for you slash." i said through my laughter.
"Cool, see you in a bit." He said before we both hung up.

I got up out of my bed and made my way over to Cindy's room.

"Hey girl, i'm going out for a little bit. Do you need anything," I said poking my head into her room, she was sat on her bed reading a magazine.

"No." she said not even looking up from her magazine.

"Okay." I said, I closed the door and made my way over to the guys apartment.


I knocked on the door and waited patiently, so heard stumbling around and a string of swear words before Slash opened the door. I tried to hold back my laughter as I took in the sight before me : Slash had his infamous leather pants half way on and his hair was wilder than usual but it was mildly tamed under a backwards baseball hat. I could actually see his eyes which was a first.

"You alright buddy?" I said laughing. He pulled his pants up his legs before pulling me into a hug. "Yeah, i'm alright what about you stranger?" "I've been better." I said thinking about the past couple days. He led me into the apartment, it was rather quiet.

"Where are the guys?" I said noticing that the place was actually clean.

"Izzy is out with some girl he met, Axl is at the studio writing for the album. Duff is asleep and Steven is in the shower." He said disappearing into the kitchen and returning with a bowl of cereal and a bottle of jack Daniels.

"Nice combination" I said taking a seat beside him on the couch. He smiled before stuffing his mouth with cereal. "Want some?" He said offering me some of the Jack Daniels.

"Uh no thanks, Don't you think-" i paused to look at the clock "11:30 in the morning is too early to be drinking?" He shook his head laughing.

I focused back on the cartoons playing on the tv while slash spoke. "oh Juli, you are so innocent. That's why Duff likes you so much." I swear I could have broken my neck as quickly as I turned it.

"What did you say?" Slash, quickly realizing what he said shoved more cereal in his mouth. "I don't know what you are talking about." He said reaching for the remote again. I slapped it out of his hand.

"You said Duff likes me." I said. "Well I thought you knew this." He said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Nooo." I said. Slash began to open his mouth before he was cut off.

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