Chapter 11 : Anything Goes Tonight.

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Juliette's Point of View.

Cindy and I made our way to the bar as the guys set up for their set.

"I've never heard them perform, are they any good?" I asked as we made our way through the crowd to very front. I don't think Cindy could hear me over the excitement of the crowd. We were sandwiched between these rather big fellas who smelt of booze and body sweat, this was going to be a great night.

The guys started their set with their song called It's So Easy.

The goof balls I met a few weeks ago were nowhere to be seen, they were replaced by these musical gods. The crowd was going absolutely insane. Axl was swaying around to the music. Slash was off in his own world. Izzy was playing in perfect harmony with Slash. Steven was just a mountain of blonde hair bouncing behind his drum kit. I look at Duff, he was oozing confidence strutting around the stage winking at a few girls in the crowd. No matter how cool he was I still saw the awkwardly tall honors student I went to high-school with.

"Holy shit!" I said getting Cindy, who was dancing to the music's attention. "Holy shit is right!" She yelled over the music.

As the show progressed, clothes were shed (from the band of course) and the music just kept getting better and better. The guy didn't seem the least bit tired, after many drinks and cigarettes they still seemed to have so much energy.

Assuming they were halfway through the set Axl took sometime to introduce the guys.

"That's my partner in crime for over 10 years, Izzy Stradlin." he said pointing to Izzy who's eyes were covered by his hair. He reminded me of Ronnie Wood from The Rolling Stones but maybe it was just how he dressed.

"Next, we have this creature : half beast half guitar god, everyone that's Slash." Slash smiled bashfully flicking his cigarette butt to the side of the stage.

"Next on the drums we have Mr. Steven "Popcorn" Alder." Axl said motioning to Steven who stood up twirling his drum sticks and pointing it directly at me and winking.

"And last but certainly not least is the king of beers himself Duff McKagan." Axl said as the spotlight landed on Duff and raised his bottle of beer and proceed to burp, rather grossly into the microphone.

After their song My Michelle, they decided to play a song that were still in the process of writing called "Rocket Queen."

The opening bass line to that song was incredibly catchy. Then once Slash starting playing his opening riff the song was easily one of my favorites of the night. The lyrics were very suggestive but knowing the guys, Axl in particular it seemed fitting.

The guys finished the set, Cindy and I made our way backstage.

The hallway leading to the "green room" smelt of booze and cheap perfume. "There are probably so many girls back there trying to get a piece of the guys." Cindy said reapplying some lipstick and offering me some which I too applied.

We finally made our way into the room and as predicted there were at least 8 or so girls making their rounds to all the guys.

Slash was sat on the old beat up leather couch with some girl both had bottles of beer in their hands. They both seemed to be talking about something they both shared interest in.

Izzy was sat in a chair with two girls sitting on either side of him. He was showing them something on his guitar.

Maybe those two weren't as "Rock N Roll" as I thought.

Steven and Duff were nowhere to be seen.

I searched around for Axl, he was holding a blondes hand that was wearing a lot of make up and too short of a skirt. She was standing against wall, Axl was standing in front of her. He leaned in and kissed her cheek. What the hell?

I looked to my right where Cindy was, she was no where to be seen.

"SHIT." I said, gaining some attention from the people in the room. Axl turned and looked over his shoulder. He saw me and we made eye contact for a split second. I rolled my eyes and went to find Cindy.

I made my way out into the bar, i grabbed someone who looked like security. "Have you seen a blonde girl, about my height, red lipstick on?" He pointed towards the bar. There was Cindy, she threw back a shot of something before standing up and wiping her underneath her eyes. I made my way over to her.

"Cindy, are you alright?" I asked looking her in the eye. "Never better." She said confidently but I knew she was upset, but I decided not to push it. "Wanna get out of here?" I asked.

She nodded, I completely forgot our bags were back in the room with the guys. "Okay, Stay right here I'm going to go get our bags and then we can go." I said making my way back to the room smiling appreciatively at the security guard.

I tried to quickly make my way in and out of the room. No one seemed to noticed my presence. Steven was now in the room, he was sat in a corner, he was nodding off. I made my way over to him, he didn't even notice me, I figured he was just really drunk.

I kneeled down and pressed a kiss to his forehead. He was breathing really slowly and that concerned me too.

I saw a man who looked more sober than the rest of them. I motioned for him to come over. "What's wrong with him?" I asked. "He just took some stuff to calm him down." The guy said shrugging it off. Something about this didn't seem right.

"Can you just make sure him, along with the rest of these idiots get home safely?" I pleaded. He nodded, I thanked him before grabbing our bags.

Duff was also now in the room, he was rather drunk and he was feeling up some redhead who was in his lap. As disappointed as I was, I figured that was the girl he wanted to make jealous. I couldn't focus on him, I was worried about Steven and Cindy.

"Hey Juli!" Slash slurred. I smiled at him and waved before booking it out of the room not wanting to deal with any of the other guys.

I made my way back out to Cindy who was patiently waiting for me. "Alright, lets go."
I said taking her hand in mine as we left the club.

Cindy rested her head against the window, she wasn't her usual bubbly self. I knew something was wrong but she would talk about it when she was ready.

My mind drifted back to Steven, I really hope he was okay. Despite my feelings for Duff, I still really cared about him. He looked like he was dead honestly.

I had nothing to worry about, Steven was in control of his life. He knows what he is doing.


Hello, this is kind of all over the place. So I apologize. But we are starting to get into the plot (11 chapters later lol i know.)

But let me know what you think of everything!

What do you think about Axl & Cindy, Juliette and her love triangle, Steven's health?

Also, I'm thinking of starting another story for Slash! Would anyone read that??

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you guys are seriously the

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