Chapter 16 : The Waiting.

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Everyone consumed more alcohol than needed but they didn't care of course. Juliette was currently sandwiched between Izzy and Cindy. Duff and Mandy were sat at the end of the table. Duff's arm was causally around Mandy's shoulder while the other nursed a bottle of vodka. How he drank that stuff straight was beyond Juliette who let her eyes linger on the bleach blond bassist.

"Why are you staring at Duff?" Izzy's voiced slurred in Juliette's ear. Juliette jumped feeling his breath hit her neck."U-uh I just kind of zoned out. Lots on my mind." She lied easily as she brought her drink up to her lips.

"I am not sure I believe that." He said, surprisingly Izzy was fairly sober.

Suddenly, 'The Waiting' by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers started playing. Juliette was instantly filled with happiness, this was one of her all time favorite songs.

"Juliette, isn't this one of your favorite songs?" Duff smiled, She smiled and nodded. A memory stuck out in her mind :

It was early May in Seattle, 17 year old Juliette threw her feet up on the dashboard of her best friend's car. Mike, her best friend who was affectionately called Duff was driving. He dropped out of school a year prior and since he wasn't at school he couldn't celebrate her birthday with her which was the day before. He was already 18. He somehow managed to get her out of her last class claiming he was a distant cousin and it was a "family emergency."

"I am surprised it isn't raining." Juliette said watching the city pass them by as the drove towards Westport which was about 2 hours away from Seattle.

"I guess we got lucky huh?" Duff said taking his eyes off the road and winking at Juliette. She would never admit it to anyone but she had the biggest crush on him.

"I guess so." They fell into a comfortable silence.

Duff cut on the radio. "The Waiting" by Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers was playing. The song came out recently. "I love Tom Petty." Juliette said with child-like joy.

"I think every girl our age does. Don't get it." He said shrugging his shoulder, but nonetheless he joined her in singing along.

After the song finished, Duff reached over the console of the car and held her hand. "Happy belated Birthday Julie." He kissed the back of her hand before the got out of the car, Juliette didn't even realize he parked the car or they were at the most beautiful beach she had ever seen. She couldn't take her eyes off the guy she painfully had a crush on. "Thank you Duff. This is the best day-after birthday gift ever." She smiled. She knew they were going to be friends for a while.

Juliette was pulled out of daydream by a leather gloved hand being held out in front of her. She was met with a smiling Duff.

"Dance with your old best friend?" He smiled innocently. Juliette pushed whatever feelings she had for him away and took his hand and they made their way to the dance floor.

"I had the DJ start the song over because I knew you loved it."

Duff let his hands slide to her lower back and she put her arms around his neck. They didn't say anything for a while just swaying along to the music. They were far away from the table to be seen by the others. As the song played Juliette could have laughed at how accurate the lyrics were to her life.

Oh baby don't it feel like heaven right now. Don't it feel like somethin' from a dream. Yeah I've never known nothing quite like this. Don't it feel like tonight might never be again. Baby, we know better than to try and pretend.

"Do you still love Tom Petty." Duff asked, she smiled up at him. He too must have had the same flashback as she did.

"Of course." She smiled.

"Jules look," Duff started, She could tell he was sobering up. "Jules, I am so sorry. I should have never left home. I should have never left you." He said nervously licking his lips.

Well yeah I might have chased a couple of women around. All it ever got me was down. Yeah, then there were those that made me feel good. But never as good as I feel right now.

"Duff, it's okay. You followed your dream. As your best friend I couldn't stop you. I just want you to be happy." Juliette said.

"You aren't understanding what I am trying to say." He smiled sadly.

The waiting is the hardest part. Every day you see one more card. You take it on faith, you take it to the heart. The waiting is the hardest part.

"Then help me." She said slightly confused.

"I shouldn't have left you. Juliette, I shouldn't have left you." He repeated and everything made sense. Those child-like butterflies erupted in Juliette's stomach. But then of course everything came crashing back down.

"Duff, You are married and Mandy seems like a wonderful girl. I cannot and will not ruin what you guys have." Juliette said shaking her head. "I am willing to give it all up for you." He quickly defended himself.

Juliette felt tears building up in her eyes, "I can't let you do that Duff. This is your dream, I would hate myself if I ever did that. I am serious I don't think I could leave with myself if I knew you gave up your dream and a marriage for me." She said despite her gut telling her to just runaway with him.

He bit his lip nervously. "But do you at least feel the same?" He said looking deep into my eyes.

She couldn't lie to him, he just poured his heart out to her. " Of course, I love you Duff." She said finally after trying to convince herself otherwise. He dropped his hands from her waist and pulled out the club to an alley way. Juliette's back was pressed against the wall. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against Juliette's. Their lips molded together for a few seconds before it registered in both their heads what was happening.

Even though they didn't want to they both pulled away.

Their foreheads still touching, they both smiled at each other despite the big mistake they just made.

"I have waited forever to do that." Juliette said breathless.

"Me too." Duff said.

"So where do we go from here?" Juliette said.

"We wait." Duff said before they made their way back to the others.

Well there you have it. It finally happened. Slightly underwhelming but I tried.

What do you think is going to happen?

Also, I seriously love Tom Petty so much. Rip :(

Side note : I am going through and editing the story because the first couple chapters are a bit cringeworthy. So if you have some extra time feel free to read over it because I am adding some more things in!


I hope you guys enjoy it! 6k reads and over 400 votes you guys are amazing!

✨comment, vote and all that jazz✨

ps. about 6 chapters left :( haven't figured out if there will be a sequel or not.


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