Twenty Three

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Wonwoo looked up through his sodden black bangs hanging in his face to see a rain drenched figure running towards him.

"Mingyu," Wonwoo replied softly, smiling sadly as Mingyu ran towards him and wrapped him in a tight, wet, cold hug that felt warm even in the horrible weather.

"Wonwoo," sighed Mingyu, wrapping his arms tighter around the older boy and mumbling into his neck, "what happened? You're so cold and wet, why aren't you home?"

Sniffling from the cold, Wonwoo shrugged and buried himself into Mingyu as the rain continued to fall around them.

"Look, tell me, okay? It isn't safe to be out so late in weather like this. You could get sick-"

"Mingyu, I came out."

Mingyu's mouth formed an 'o' shape and he pulled away from the hug, placing his hands on Wonwoo's shoulders and looking at him with concern. "How did it go?"

"Not good."

"Oh, Wonwoo."

Mingyu pulled Wonwoo closer again and Wonwoo realised that Mingyu made him happy. His parents didn't have to like it but that was who Wonwoo was and he wished he could stay close to Mingyu like they were in that moment for the rest of his life.

"What happened?" asked Mingyu, "I'm so sorry, Wonwoo."

Wonwoo shook his head, his hands clinging to Mingyu's sleeve. "My dad said it was a phase. My mum was okay with it."

"Right, well, your dad is a complete asshole, then. Your mum was fine, I mean, hopefully she'll be able to talk some sense into him," sighed Mingyu, "but you were so brave doing that. I love you."

"I love you too."

Mingyu let go of Wonwoo for a second to sit on the swing next to him, before linking their fingers and staring straight ahead, watching the rain drum down on the park roundabout in front of them.

"How long have you been out here in the rain?" asked Mingyu, turning to look at Wonwoo, who looked down at his feet and bit on his bottom lip as if to repress a sudden burst of emotion.

"About forty five minutes."

"Oh, Wonwoo," repeated Mingyu, sighing and resting his head on Wonwoo's shoulder, "you should have come and found me."

Wonwoon shrugged. "I wanted some time to think about stuff. Let everything out, you know?"

"That makes sense. But you know, you can let everything out to me. I love you, okay? I'll always be there for you."

"I know."


Wonwoo sneezed, breaking the silence that had fallen between the two, and as he did so, Mingyu erupted in a fit of laughter.

"Sorry," laughed Mingyu, shaking his head and smiling at Wonwoo, "I'm just surprised that for once that it's not me sneezing."

Wonwoo tried to fight it, but he couldn't hold back the wide smile he had been repressing ever since Mingyu arrived before he, too, was laughing.

"But, seriously, you'll get sick being out here," Mingyu said, standing up and offering his hand out to Wonwoo, who took it and stood up beside him, "let's go get something to eat."

Mingyu had brought an umbrella and a warm blanket with him in a plastic carrier bag and held the umbrella over Wonwoo's head while insisting Wonwoo should have the entire umbrella to himself because Mingyu didn't mind getting wet as Wonwoo needed the shelter more. He wrapped the blanket around Wonwoo's shoulders and head, linking his arm with the shorter boy and leading him towards their local convenience store.

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