The Invite

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Punch. Punch. Kicked. Down. Only the one down was me the count began and I couldn't hear anything, I slowly opened my eyes and saw my dad and sister. I could easily tell they were worried about me. They always were worried about me ever since I was little. No I have to get up. I said to myself but it was too late. I lost the fight. I blew it, of course. I was angry at myself I could've gotten up but I didn't. I didn't pay attention to what the announcer said I already knew Paige Vanzan had won it was the biggest match of my life and I lost it. I got out of the ring and walked backstage into my locker room and locked the door. I had I semi used heavy bag in the corner  I walked over to it, put my headphones in listening to rap as I pounded my fists into the bag. I couldn't stop for anything I didn't even notice that dad and Charlotte were waiting for me, Charlotte moved into my view and I stopped.

"What?" I said almost though my teeth. Gees Quinn don't be such a bitch you only see them so much, I said to myself.  I let out deep breath. "Sorry I'm just mad thanks for coming o the fight." I said and looked at my dad and sister who were smiling at me.

"It's alright, we missed you." Dad said pulling me into a hug after Charlotte did the same. " how are things?" Dad asked me.

"Well I just lost the biggest match of my career so not to good." I said and looked at my sister who was the WWE woman's champion, many people didn't even know she had a sister. Even if they did the wouldn't call me Quinn they would call me Charlotte's sister, or Ric Flairs daughter. That's why I didn't go to NXT when I had the opportunity. I didn't want to be a clone of my sister or reflection of my father I wanted to be my own person. I wanted to be Quinn.

"Um awkward silence much." You sister said while looking around the room. I strapped out of my thoughts. Then Tracy one of the security guards I've personally come to trust, knocked and opened the door

"Quinn." He said and moved his finger implying me to come to the hallway. I did as I was told and shut the door behind me.

"What's up brother." I said poking his stomach he laughed and brushed my hands away. Tracy reached into his coat and pulled out a letter with a LU on it. I quickly took it and read it in a whispered voice.

Quinn Veronica Flair you have been invited to attend the season three open house for Lucha Underground where you and other talent can meet and learn more Lucha Underground. Don't be late September second at 8:00 Boyle Heights California.
-Dario Cueto

I nearly choked over myself, I've never seen Lucha Underground, no that's not the reason I was shocked I was shocked because.., what if I find myself wanting to change from UFC to Lucha Underground? UFC is my life it always has been. But that's not important right now, now I'm gonna go and have a good ass time with my family. With that I walked into the dressing room and talked to dad and Charlotte.

(Two days later)
"Yeah I'm going just so I give it a try.
Hey you never know I could want to switch." I said to my best friend Eva Marie who was sitting on my coach waiting for my outfit to be put on and shown off. "True. Gees girl are you done yet?" She asked as I finished putting on my red dress and heels and I opened my bedroom door and walked into my living room. Eva's haw basically dropped to the floor if I could I would bet it would. "So what do ya think?" I asked as I turned in a circle.

"Watch out boys." She said and laughed. "Maybe your the real all red everything?" She questioned and the shook her head. "Naw that's still me." She said and we both laughed as I sat down next to her. "What are you gonna do if you like Lucha Underground more?" She asked as she reached for my hand, trust me it's not weird we're just the misfits we have a lot in common, we're both questioning our careers, we're both rejected from many promotions, and we're both trying to find out who we actually are in the world and where we stand. Believe me we're that close.

"I'll probably change I was really good in UFC but....I don't know how to explain it, but it's been emotional lately I hope this will take my mind off of Lacy, Mike, Trish and my family." I said Eva nodded and I noticed it was almost time for my flight from New York to California. "Well Eva I'd better be going or I'll mis my flight, if you want you can stay here, to you know avoid all the bs going around since the woman's locker room doesn't know where I live." I told her and grabbed my suit case and walked over to the door.

"Thanks I'll keep the house clean, I mean at this pout we basically live together." Eva said and walked over to me, she extended her arms and wrapped them around me in a hug I did the same. "Good luck I'll see you later." She told me I nodded and said the same to her and I was on my way to Cali.

I walked down to the street and hailed a cab as I got in I told the man where I was headed and looked out the window it stared to rain and I just watched it fall and relaxed.

"$52.00." The raspy New York drivers voice said snapping me out of my daze I took out the money and handed it to him, he snatched it out of my hand and speed off almost running my feet over.

"Asshole." I muttered under my breath and cleaned off my dress then walked into the airport. I quickly went to the bathroom and realized it was a 4 hour plane ride, in this outfit, honey I don't think so. I took out a baggy sweatshirt sweatpants, some regular flats and my black beanie. Then I went through security and boarded the plane. I hope this is worth it.

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