Backstage rage

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"I'm so proud of you!" I herd from behind me when I walked backstage, I turned to see dad coming to me.

"Thanks." I said to him while I tried to catch my breath. Then my sister came up to me. "Hey Charlotte." I said kinda confused. "I didn't know you were here." I said.

"You didn't really think I was just going to watch your first wrestling match on TV did you?" My dad said.

"There's just one person I hope didn't watch it." I said to myself looking at the ground. Charlotte nodded.

"Don't worry we got that covered." She told me with a evil smirk. I rolled my eyes and laughed.

"What did you do?" I asked her as I smirked as well. But before she could answer I was hugged from behind every and lifted off the ground. I playfully screamed and laughed when I here who it was.

"You did great." I herd Eva say from behind me. I turned around and hugged her. I didn't know Eva would be here either wow!

"Thanks, I was confused why the bell didn't ring after five minutes." I said talking about the three five minute rounds you have in the UFC.

"They don't have rounds in wrestling." Eva explained to me. I rolled my eyes and gave her a sarcastic smile.

"No shit Sherlock!" I said in a duh tone.

"Hey we better get going we're going to miss out flight."Ric said we all exchanged hugs and goodbyes before they left.

I walked back to my dressing room and was startled when I saw Gail. "Hey Gail, you need something?" I asked her she nodded and put her hands on my shoulders.

"You looked great out there." She told me I thanked her. "But...I feel like your ring gear isn't right." She explained I don't know how she could possibly make my ring gear any better it was already amazing. I wore a red sports bra with a black vest over it, short shorts that were also black and had a white belts/waist on them, and for my feet I wore long white and red socks with long lace up tennis shoes that where black and red, to top it all off I had black fingerless gloves too.

"Oh I don't know maybe with this." She said and in her hands she held a jacket that was white and black. In bold letters across the back it said "leave it in the ring. "

"Wow Gail. You really have outdone yourself." I said as I looked at the jacket.

"Has anyone told you your gimmick yet?" She asked me I shook my head. "Well your kinda the more pop hip hop girl but still fits in a little. If that makes sense." She said I nodded. So basically myself haha I thought o myself. "But your storyline is with Fènix Drago and Aerostar vs. the World Wide Underground. So that's Taya, Johnny Mondo, Pj Black and Jack Evens." She told me.

I thanked Gail and went to watch other matches in the viewing room, I noticed all the scratches and cracks in the wall I assume from other fights. I walked by a locked door and I swear on my life I herd heavy breathing from the other side. I put my ear to the door as if I was a spy on a mission in one of the movies. I herd a man talking but I couldn't make out what he was saying, I assumed it was just a quick hook-up or something. Hey don't judge me it's actually really common, um...not that I've...oh just forget it!

I entered the viewing room and saw Sexy Star sitting by herself not paying any attention to the match currently going on which was Prince Puma vs. some big ass guy in blue and I assume his name stars with an M because it's in his mask that's all I know.

"Hey Sexy you alright?" I slowly and cautiously asked her while pulling the seat to the right of her up and sitting down. All I got was a nod in response. "What going on?" I asked then she looked like she was at a breaking point.

"The Martinez family." She lightly whispered barely so I could hear. I haven't meet them yet so I don't know who she's talking about. "I'm not afraid, I'm just worried." She said I felt bad for her even thought I don't know the story behind it, I don't even really know Sexy Star at all this is the first time she's talked to me.

"What happened?" I asked her, she opened her mouth to speak but no words came out, like she was trying to live together some type of puzzle.
I herd a pound on the door, and another and another, soon enough the door flung open to revel a man and woman walking into the room. The woman was tall for a woman at least and wore a brown mask the man was big and didn't wear a mask at all but he did wear a shirt that said "Aztec Pride" on it. They walked over to Sexy Star and shoved me to the side all dickish.

"Found her!" I herd the man say, he sounded like a rapist, his voice was creepy, it was kinda high and raspy at the same time. Then he laughed and grabbed Sexy's throat. The woman walked over to Sexy as well I think they forgot I was in the room completely. I have to help her but how?

Hey all you beautiful people thank you so much for putting up with my book sorry if it's crappy! I'm trying, feedback is much appreciated on what you think will happen or what you like about the book. Sorry for the short chapter btw I'll make it up with a more action and drama fill one soon! Anyways stay beautiful✌️

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