That one girl

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"Listen I need you to get here ASAP!" I called to the last two people I wanted to talk to. "Look I know I said I was done with you and I'm sorry but I really need to make sure I'm right in this before I do something that can get me killed. And that is not an understatement."

"So are they coming?" Fénix asked eagerly I nodded my head and gun up the phone.

"Monica and Lacy are on their way." I said preparing for the worst but hoping for the best.

~a few hours later~
"So what do you need." Lacy asked me crossing her arms over her chest and putting her hip out showing her sassy side.

"Do you remember this girl from high school." I showed them a picture of Catarina.

"Yeah her names... I can't think of it." Monica said looking at Fénix.

"Back off princess." I said not even looking away from my phone. "He's not a Black Friday item." I pointed out. "And her names Catarina."

"Oh yeah poor girl I remember what Monica did to her." Lacy said.

"Wait what did you do?" I asked her.

"I ripped her top off at a football game." Monica slowly said.

"Yeah and after that she quit all her sports and every thought she had moved away." Lacy said.

"That's when she started to fight with Monica." I finished.

"What did you do?" Fénix asked.

"She slapped her so she shoved her into a locker and shut it. That when shit started to hit the fan big time. Until she moved back to California they were at each other's throats and she's hated her ever since. That why she's out for me now, she must've thought I was Monica and changed my ring name since we look alike." I said. "She only tried to fight me once and she fell down the stairs only everyone thought I pushed her." I said. "Monica you have to fix this." I said.

"Why?" She whined.

I walked over to her and stared her down. "What are you doing?" Nervously laughed.

"Counting to ten I'm at nine and you've only pissed me off even more." I must've scared her because she agreed to go to the temple and talk to Catarina.

~At the Temple~
"You go talk to her she's over there I have to change into my ring gear." I said pointing Monica to Catarina and I went to my locker room Gail knocked from the inside and shut the door behind her.

"I got your texts and here it is." She said holding up my new ring gear. It's almost the same to my old one only the paint splatter colors are neon orange and blue.

I thanked her and walked out of the room to find Monica. Her and Catarina were still talking so I didn't interrupt until Monica called me over.

"There I did it now goodbye and I never want to see this place again." She said and stormed off.

"She's a bitch." Catarina said I laughed.

"She gets that a lot." I said.

"Well I don't like you still so I want you to know I'm not showing any mercy." Catarina said back to me I just snickered.

"I get that a lot." I said and walked to the tunnel waiting to be introduced.

As soon as Melissa finished reading off our names we walked out giving the crowds hugs, high fives and just getting them pumped up.

Fénix and Mundo started out we were facing Johnny, Jack and Pj only Taya wasn't at ringside with them.

Fénix got the upper hand and was punching Mundo in the groin and upper body then one good punch to the head. He tagged in Aerostar and Jack Evens started to run his mouth.

"No!" Fénix exclaimed clearly worried.

"What?" I asked him.

"He's distracting the ref." Oh God.

Mundo the took the opportunity to kick Aerostar..below the belt. Fénix ran to do something but the ref held him back that's when Pj Black ran to the other side were I was. He pulled on my foot but I held onto the ropes and kicked him in the face. "Fénix get over here." I yelled making him come back to the corner. "The longer the ref was looking at you the more things they could do to Aerostar." I explained calming him down he nodded his head and focused back on the match.

Things stayed fair for a while after that and Aerostar tagged me in. Mondo tagged in Jack. He put his hand in the air and the audience grew silent waiting to see what he had to say.

"Quinn! I know your new so let me introduce myself I'm the one to prove the haymakers and naysayers I'm Jack the Dragon Slayer, and I know your giving Lucha Underground a whirl but reality check is your just a little girl."  After that I slapped him so hard the spit in his mouth went flying and the crowd was electric afterwards.

He held his jaw I kicked out his legs bringing him to a knee. I started to kick him in the chest multiple times and forearmed him across the chin and then jaw. "Matt I'm really liking what I'm seeing from Quinn she's been rocking guys left right and center since day one wherever she goes." Vamp complimented.

Jack grabbed my hand and Irish whipped me to his corner and his entire team ganged up on me stomping on my ribs and head. Pj was now legal and cover me chest to chest
I kicked out. "Wait a minute that's Taya!" Matt yelled. As she came running into the ring and started at me getting in my face. I did the same thing ball to her and she smiled at me running behind me and kicking Pj Black him the chest. He was being dramatic and fell to the mat. "Why would she? Oh I get it." Matt said.

"This is how it's going to end?" Vamp asked as the ref rang the bell.

"Here are your winners the Worldwide Underground." Melissa said disappointed.

Then the lights went out and when the came on only me and Fénix remained in the ring. "Quinn next week you won't be facing Mil." Someone said from behind us it was Catarina. "Because Mil won't be at Última Lucha Tres. So instead you will face me, Fénix as for you get to watch from home as I demolish your pretty little barbie doll." She said and with that the lights went out and she was gone.

"Fénix I'm sorry." I pleaded as he slammed the door to his locker room. "I know I should've told you bu-" he cut me oh my cupping my face and looking into my eyes.

He didn't say anything l I could hear was his breathing. "Out of all the things to hide why this. You know how talking about her ruins me." He said and let go of my face walking away to who knows where.

I decided not to fallow so he could have breathing room. So I decided to get something I've wanted for a long time.

To be continued....
So what do you think Quinn's getting

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