Heading for Home

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Quinn's POV

After the match we all drove down to a local bar to celebrate with our new friend Sexy Star. "Hey thanks for saving me back there." I whispered to Sexy she smiled.

"No problem, you saved me first." She told me I smiled back at her. We pulled into the parking lot when my phone went off.

"I'll meet you guys inside I have to take this." I said as I red the caller ID, my eyes seemed as if they were going to pop out of my head. "Lacy." I said under my breath I cleared my throat. "Hello."

"Hey Quinn?" She said to make sure it was me.

"Yeah what do you need?" I asked.

"I need you to do me a huge favor, please." She pleaded through the phone.

"What do you need?" I asked her prepared for the worst.

"I need you I come back to Puerto Rico, um Mike and Trish..." She began.

"They're what?" I asked fighting off the horrid memories starting to invade my mind.

"They're back." She said her voice quivering mine would be too if I hadn't built that wall between me and my life in San Juan, well the bad part of it the majority was good.

"I'll be there, I promise." I told her. I walked into the bar and my friends waved me over. "Hey guys." I greeted them pulling up a seat next to Sexy Star and Drago.

"I'll be right back." Drago said as he got up and walked towards the waitress cleaning tables, Aerostar laughed.

"He's doing it again." Aerostar said getting up and fallowing him. "I'll make sure he doesn't get slapped to hard." He said and walked away.

Sexy Star face palmed herself. "I have to pee." She said and got up and headed to the bathroom. I laughed at them.

"Hey um..Fénix..tomorrow I have to head back to Puerto Rico and take care of some family business." I told him he looked at me in worry.

"So do you want me to come with you?" He asked I shook my head I didn't want him to get dragged into this. I didn't notice he was looking at me, I looked back at him blushing I'm sure. After staring and blush for what seemed like it went on forever I finally cleared my throat and answered him.

"No I'll be fine, I'll come back before the show next week." I told him. "Can you tell the guys and Sexy Star I have I go pack." He nodded I got up and called a taxi.


Back at the hotel I picked up my suitcase and packed a few outfits, my makeup, and my phone. With that I left the room and left them a note just incase Fénix forgot where I was going.

I opened the door and was about to walk out when I saw Fénix on the other side. "I'm coming with you." He told me I had a strong feeling he wasn't taking no for an answer.

"Seriously I'm fine I can go alone, if you haven't noticed I'm a big girl." I said holding up two thumbs and giving him a wide sarcastic smile. He smirked at me and rolled his eyes, which I found absolutely hot. Wait I found it absolutely what now?! I thought to myself.

"Well in coming weather you like it or not so deal with it." He told me and smirked again this time crossing his arms across his chest. I never noticed how many tattoos he had. Damn talk about detection!

"It okay really I can handle it, honestly it's really nothing." I explained even thought the more I think about it the more I longed for him to come with me. He just kept smirking at me I think he knew I was about to give in. "Fine. But let's go pack your things and move out." I said doing my finger in the air and matched out the door.
"So why are you going back?" Fénix asked me while keeping a watchful eye on the road glancing at me every once and awhile.

"Um just some family stuff I have to sort out and make sure everyone's okay." I explained and lied a little to him. Which by the way I felt bad about so don't give me a lecture. He just nodded him head and the rest of the car ride was silent except for when I would turn up the radio.


When we arrived at the airport, went through security and all that stuff we boarded the plane and I laid my head on the window struggling to keep my eyes open.

I herd Fénix chuckle. "Do you want to lay on me?" He asked I was kind of shocked he did ask but I was far from saying no, so I didn't I kissed my head and laid on his chest snuggling into him as getting comfy. I felt him smiling at me as he stroked my hair and we dozed off.

A few hours later we woke up about to get off the plane, a really pretty flight attendant came by us to see if we needed anything. "Awe what a cute couple!" She squealed in a high pitched tone making my ears hurt. "Do you two need anything, well food wise." She asked smiling and winking at us I laughed a little.

"Thanks but we're good, and we're actually just friends." I explained to her she smiled and nodded her head as if o say "sure you are" I just smiled and watched her walk away.

"Well that was embarrassing." Fénix laughed I nodded my head, width my eyes. "You know you're really cute when you get defensive." He told me I felt myself blush and I smiled at him.

"Thanks?" I said unsure if it was a compliment or not but I shook it off and we got up and off the plane.


"Here we are!" I chirped eagerly as if u was Effie Trinket from the Hunger Games. I plastered a fake smile across my face as I stepped up ink the doorway of my old house. So many memories. I thought and not all of them were good. I took a deep breath and then. KNOCK! KNOCK! KNOCK.

Fire, Space, Fury,.. and the new Girl (COMPLETED) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora